
The STATUS QUO of Jewish Israeli Prisoner Swapping and War Criming

(or...how Breaking US News COVERTS the MORONICALLY MORALLY INFERIOR practice of US BORN AGAIN CHRISTIAN SLASH NEONAZI ZIONIST foreign policy (nothing foreign about it...it is bigotry at its finest) in the Middle East.)

"Israel is interested in a two-stage prisoner exchange deal with Hezbollah, the United Nation's Mideast envoy Michael Williams has said in the past few days. He added the organization has so far declined the offer.

According to Williams, who revealed the information in several public events over the past week, Jerusalem is willing to release a certain number of prisoners in the first stage of the deal, in exchange for information and a sign of life from Eldad Regev and Ehud Golwasser, the two Israel Defense Forces soldiers abducted by Hezbollah last year."


Wow...one damn bridge goes down in America and it is "of historical" importance. Not to me nor is it to alot of people dying for the arrogance and ignorance and evil of the people in power in Israel.

How so? When in fact the US paid and supported Israel to destroy almost EVERY single bridge in a tiny country (Lebanon) which was under violent attack and people needed to escape over them in the river rich nation in order to escape possible EXECUTION by those wonderful Jews in Israel? Not only a war crime but also one of the main reasons Israel failed in its invasion. What kind of kooky morons bomb their entry routes to an invasion (never mind their escape routes should they lose which these arrogant and completely UNRELIGIOUS monsters never even considered). You see they KNEW they were attacking a poor and relatively defenseless group of people which makes their war crimes even more NAUSEATING. They ASSUMED a bit too much due to several factors not the LEAST of which was their SO CALLED MORAL SUPERIORITY.

They aren't morally superior to anything except MAYBE a few leftover BIGOTS in the USA.

Who cares. So what. Really.

The real breaking and ACTUAL BIG news (that is news NOT about one or two dead Gringos on their way to a friggin baseball game)...actual news that is worth reporting on and making a "to do" over....we have a story that is bound to make your eyes WATER. Especially if you happen to be a person who was physically, mentally or spiritually affected by last year's VILLAINOUS attempt to commit ETHNIC/RELIGIOUS cleansing (by Israel) of anyone who dares to stand up to Israel in Lebanon (the code word for that status is HEZBOLLAH)....you'll literally have to change your shoes because of the tears you lose from your eyeballs due to a combination of the cynical laughing and desperate crying.

Last year's brutal crime against an entire religious group at the hands of a "so called" religious faction (read: ideology aka Zionism in any form) was SUPPOSEDLY about the return and exchange of political prisoners.

Now...correct me if I am wrong here. Political prisoner taking is the STATUS QUO of all people regardless of ethnicity, religion, location or time frame of WAR (ancient to modern). It is a commonly accepted practice and a LAW exists in the most sacred text ever revealed regarding it. It has been practiced and is being practiced in Guantanamo to Abu Gharaib (not very well I might add) RIGHT NOW. BY EVERY SINGLE NATION ON THE PLANET which is involved in a conflict.

So today we get what should be great news. Israel...thinking that people are no longer paying attention to their heinous behaviors and misdeeds of last year and the continuous ones they commit due to their illegal status as a "state" or as a so-called "democracy"....have slipped a little deal to Hezbollah. How about that.

AS IF....they actually inflicted such devastation on Lebanon in order to get back prisoners (illogical and not a part of natural reason or law).

THAT was the LIE but it isn't surprising because Israel is the world's number one LIAR followed closely by the United States of America.

Schadenfreude in the City

Where did this problem start,
this stuff about wondering where
a siren goes in the dark
or during the rain, the curtains
pulled aside and you want to see
mainstreet, hope to see a fire
or the headlight of someone's car
dangling like an eye out
of its socket, all hay-wires.
Here, it is night and a plane
ascends, banks then disappears.
A siren peals through the almost silent
predawn cold and continues on.
Then another. It is always
the second one that gets you going.


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