
T-Bird at the Gila River

"Advice: learn poems so that you don't have to write them.
Strategies are useless testimonials."
- The Book of Warnings, D. Whitehead

This pretty life is death's comma
and we are between, constructing
the darkest layer in the top soils
over which the eagle flies
with the owl, as same as the bug.

Once I stood on a reservation
for our tribes and thought.
The wild wisdoms entered
like drugs with the cackle
of gypsies and caw of old birds
into the earth's big recorder.

When suddenly! Like that!
The newest grand canyon opened
her secret vaults to receive
the sound and reek of vomit from the throat
of a drunkard who turned in and then sped away.
Ah, the stories the rocks will tell!


AZnurse said...

Interesting that this is surfacing for both of us at this time. I reaally must post that piece I did. Soon if life will slow down.

ozymandiaz said...

How suddenly our fellow man will remind us of the impermanence of all things
I am glad to see you posting so much. SorryI have not comment more but your writing elicits much thinking, nay, required it.