
My Valentine

In the encyclopedia of the ancients
we waited to be born. It was said
that we were yet in the loins
of our forefathers. It was a very
very long time ago by current estimates.
We woke to find our coins
-the same old ones
were not as useful and told
not to say anything about
our condition, we abided by that
doctrine of secrecy before we
knew what our secret even was.
Now is the time to come
to this drama, now is the time
to see our plight. Now is the time
to wonder if any of it
really matters or if it is even true.
We were told to take two deaths.
We were told about the others
who slept for one hundred years.
It is only mentioned to disquiet,
it is only mentioned in order to warn
those in whom a heart still resides, a heart.
Those in whose chest still beats an anthem.

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