
Israel's Special Valentine

Let's talk about something here non religious. Lets talk politics for a change. I know my faith but I know those without faith are bothered by talk of a Creator. Not surprising. You know, I met a man a few months ago (the poem We Saw the World, Stayed in the Best Hotels) who didn't believe in God until a month later when his wife was diagnosed with lung cancer. She has since died in England. When I reminded him of his words just a month before (he believed in Scientology pre-lung CA) he became quite upset. I mean, if you can't ask God for help then who can you ask when the governments of the world are hypocrits and public liars? This war would have killed her (Liz) anyway because she was IN LOVE with Lebanon and the Lebanese people and culture which is so rich, so passionate and wow, so pluralistic.

The country which has been murdered, maimed and will be paralysed for at least a decade. This ethnic cleansing is the long term kind that the US and Zionists specialize in...devastating homes and not just infrastructure. Laying down bombs made of depleted uranium KNOWN to cause serious birth defects and testicular cancers. Ask any Gulf War vet...ask my friend Steve who served there and got the dreaded and sperm killing disease.

Is it any wonder our good Israeli neighbors might be jealous of a country to the north that has proved to be a survivor? Christians, Muslims, Druze and even a number of missionary evangelists and several ethnic Jews who long ago married into the Lebanese population. All getting along and yes, thriving within Lebanese borders....


And what was that coup? The Assassination on February 14, 2004 (the Lebanese LOVE Valentine's Day and what exactly was the symbolism implied in the selection of that date?)...the assassination of Rafik Hariri. Mr. Hariri supposedly 'single handedly' rebuilt Lebanon. What he did was not only incredible but it is not matched in any country including war torn Kosovo or Vietnam. BUT. A very big BUT here. Hariri could not have managed that immense project without first having Lebanon FREE FROM ISRAELI OCCUPATION. The Israeli Occupation ended by our man of the hour, Sayyed Nasrallah a few years back via man to man combat with IDF UNIFORMED militia and terrorists (the IDF is a UNIFORMED TERRORIST ORGANIZATION). Hariri would have been unable to elicit the foreign investment or loans in a country already sinking under the weight of so much foreign debt that the government could barely keep the electricity on even in the best of times if it weren't for Nasrallah's victory over Israel. Nor could they rebuild the infrastructure damaged by so many years of Civil War which was a DIRECT RESULT of Israel's brutal campaign against the Palestinians whom they chased into other territories during the French/British mandates. Some of those people who tried to escape the horrors of the 1947 campaigns of Israeli terror didn't make it and were shot as they ran but thousands upon thousands made it into Lebanese territory only to find that they couldn't return to their homes that Israel terrorized them out of. And now Israel terrorizes the Southern Lebanese in the EXACT SAME PATTERN. They were shot as they exited mosques (the Lebanese are shot in ambulances and when in their beds and when they are running and Israel calls them "mistakes" and "accidents" and "human shields" and "terrorists". There were also eye witness reports of Israeli war crimes then (the 400 villages, see Acre http://www.palestine-encyclopedia.com/EPP/Chapter11_2of7.htm) including the rape of women and children. All true but denied by Israel ad nauseum. It is pointless to keep covering this history up. The Arabs have a reason for despising Israel. Israel is a country filled with people who torture, who imprison non Jews without charging them and expect the people that they oppress to RESPECT them and PROTECT JEWISH DIGNITY.

Back to Hariri and who exactly investigated the assassination? The UN. The same UN that is standing by lamely as Israel goes on an insane killing spree. Insane isn't even the word for it anymore. It is intentional. It is partial ethnic cleansing and even if this stops now there will be more. Israel ALWAYS comes back for more blood. They come back to steal more land. They are shocked that they couldn't get in now nor could they, since the mysterious Valentine's Day murder of Rafic Hariri, provoke the pluralistic Lebanese to attack each other.

So who killed Hariri and why? I'll tell you what I think. It wasn't Syria. Syria had nothing to gain and was heavily invested in Lebanon plus, they were ALREADY moving out. I ought to know as they used to be in my neighborhood and had already mobilized into the Bekaa and were on their way home, their occupation was at its end. And please, the world needs to stop pretending that the Zionists do not hold the lion's share of influence in the United States of America. They've frightened people from telling the truth. The hypocrisy of telling the Syrians that they used "undo influence" on Lebanon is ridiculous. Lebanon SURVIVES ON FOREIGN INVESTMENT. Afterall, tomatoes are not traded on Wall Street.

Why was Hariri killed? Easy. It was to overthrow Nasrallah, the true popular leader of Lebanon who is now more popular than ever and will remain so until they also manage to kill him. He has already informed them however that he has a chain of advisors and that no one should mourn too long over his eventual and very likely demise by assassination via Israel and it's minions, the US and all the rest who have helped these monsters kill innocents for over half a century.

Hariri was killed to overthrow a popular leader PSYCHOLOGICALLY.

Guess what? It didn't work and Israel is now throwing the biggest temper tantrum on record.

Olmert must be stopped even if it means via assassination. Please someone shoot him. Do yourselves a favor.

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