
In The Field Of Edens

Hidden variables
may exist or maynot pretend
to exist in our observations:
the anthropologist in the field
is part of the entropy of the field.
It is said that the mirror likes
itself and repeats the like
of itself, self aware.
It is self aware and this awareness
is part of the thing
of God. This thing of God,
this abstract thing, a word
in constant repetition:

implicate, explicate
delicate, very.
You're telling me!

what to study.
what is seen.

Very. The people fall
through the open slits
surprised, in Byzantium,
Without the autostrat
they'd fall, elsewhere,
less manageable but still
chaotic, measurable via.
Either way, they know
where they are by the trees
that grow there, the lindens.
They manage that whatever
it may be.
This tar-macadam, those
initial conditions
becoming more
like first cases, always
the first case disclosing
a sample, only.