
The Ark

It was certainly
a very dark day to leave
it all behind: the illusions
of trees, country and a son,
as the youth was swallowed
by the hungry waves
full of devils and soul assassins.
No Calypso or friend,
not even a father to save the day
from the notorious tragedies
of the sea, the lesser
known depths where the eyes
of fish gradually disappear.


ozymandiaz said...

Oh, I like very much. Very dark and forboding.

Carmenisacat said...

You are still there Ozy! Wow. You know, you are one faithful reader. Thanks for that, it truly means a lot to me right now.

That one is from God. :)

I've been doing (as usual) reading regarding Shi'i and the story of Noah (Nuh) is mentioned in the Quran several times. Some things it mentions more than once and others it completely skips by. The notion of the Ark is allegorical to the Quran, boarding it a way of saving oneself from disaster. I know for a non believer that might not make sense but to a muslim it makes absolute sense. That Quran has bailed me out a number of times. Not only boarding the Quran but for the Shi'i, boarding with the 'family' of the prophet or as it is called, The Ahl-al-Bayt. Shi'i all stick to the story that it is the Ahl-al-Bayt that carry the religious knowledge and must be protected at all costs by not forming hostilities toward the Sunni. Turn the other cheek etc.

Thanks again for reading this and me. :)