
Bona Adnuntiatio By the time you realize it is too early it is too late, the weather is getting cold already, the predictions are neither clear nor correct. The prophet did not mention the procedure to follow for ants yet, with flies it is permissible to scoop and continue to consume. This medium was never mentioned, the recipe for one thing is edited and secrets are lost in the stroke of things called keys so become myths and then, legends. An old poet is found wandering in the parking lot and found the next day buried in snow five years before when passers-by who enforce the laws saw beacons of his light, it is true yet if none of this makes sense it doesn't have to, the 'is it' and 'what is it' question pervails. To exist at once in matrixes is an acceptable plural form, but you can use matrices if you want to show off your knowledge of Latin noun endings it says so right there in revelations. In that moment she stopped a rapist from raping at least for a while but the memory belongs to them, a sad little couple in time is a fact that stuns her to this day, the day a man over there felt ill and died before the shock was delivered inside the maze all the hearts broke, they broke at once like thunder and then lightning, yes like thunder and then, lightning and I know each of them as We awaken, without knowing their names, the day opens with a gasp, a swoon, an Oh-No.

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