
Lebanese American from Michigan wins Miss USA title. Her family hails from South Lebanon and I'm here to tell you, she's just one of the UGLY ones. I wouldn't go so far as to say she's a "muslima" but her roots are there.


Charles Drive

"Isa (Jesus Christ, SA) said, 'I saw a stone on which was written, "Turn me over", so I turned it over. Written on the other side was "Whoever does not act by what he knows will be doomed by seeking what he does not know, and his own knowledge will be turned against him." "

Tragedy is coming to you
it said, the light on the machine
winks conspiratorily, his legs
swollen and the odor of urine
forms a cradle of distraction
where he lay. Have you ever
sat silently for real, just listened?
He didn't want to either,
it just happened, his dime wobbled.
The neighborhood looked empty
but that was a lie too, each cabin
occupied or in transition pried open,
the contents fall onto the sidewalk
in little pieces are picked
up again and again, the same
war stories and temptations.

The curtains move slowly open
in the breezes, how beautifully
the wind treats them. How do
Jupiter Jacks work?
where Esun is the incident
solar radiation, A is albedo of TOA

This is it you said, this is what
might be broke, it surely is
and there aren't enough cables
to stop it when contemplation
rallies a different charge,
talk about the radiation
budget of the sky and a guy
in an office to remark on it
turning out so-so data
until he squats and pisses
like an old man somewhere else.
It's not all that helpful
but pays quite well.
The one vexed volunteer
and patron saint of disaster, a face
you might have seen before
but cannot quite remember
brings soft food twice a day.
She's the right gypsy
so it isn't your turn to lock up,
not this time. The door
clicks and closes so very well,
there's another loose cough down the road
but you'd rather not go there either
and just keep driving
until you are too tired to see
where you already are,
maybe these are the graveyards
no one seems to know.

-Inside the Kaaba aka The Black Stone in Mecca
-Also, recent (May 4) torrential rainfall and flooding in many parts of Riyadh


United States of Polytheism

America is not a Christian country nor was it ever really a Monotheistic one. It is decidedly Polytheistic.

So why don't you ever hear it mentioned? There are athiests and monotheists. Catholics and Mormons. Jews and Muslims.

Not a single damn organization decries the rights of Polytheists.

Where there is smoke there's fire and/or smokescreens.

In one article the author suggests that the Pantheon of saints in this Polytheistic society are celebrities who champion various causes which are usually considered 'virtuous' i.e. Farm Aid, Jerry Lewis for MD, etc.


By definition the word 'pluralism' reflects in a rather disengenuous way the fact of the state religion which is and ought to be acknowledged as, Polytheism.


"The Bible teaches that every nation has a moral obligation to submit to the authority of Jesus Christ and His law. An examination of God’s law, the prophets, the Psalms and the New Testament will prove that political polytheism is immoral. It is an idea that Christians must reject."

Problem is, how about the fact that Christianity itself is polytheistic in nature? How can a polytheist comment on the role of other polytheists? With a few exceptions like the Coptic Christians who are actually Monotheists, Christianity itself admits to the equivocation of Allah with another God head, that of Jesus Christ, peace be upon him. How on earth can anyone accept one polytheistic viewpoint over another then? The answer is, they cannot and the result is polytheism in which there is no authority, no guidance and certainly, no laws that can effectively be upheld and protected. Obviously, in the United States, we are in the midst of that situation and as Ali ibn Abi Taleb once said, "countless victims are crying out against" such an overwhelming travesty in which we literally begin to uphold laws of Polytheism i.e. all things being equal and no one really in the drivers seat either morally or legalistically.

Actually, it is the case that pure pluralism and unadulterated polytheism is the rule of law in the United States but you never hear anyone arguing the case for calling America what it actually is and that would be Polytheistic. The reason being, no one wants to be considered a Polytheist in reality because naturally the connotation of that is one of ignorance in which a Creator becomes redundant. And where does one hide something as big as all of that?

In the open of course. It just isn't mentioned in hopes no one notices the elephant right next to the Lazy Boy recliner.


"Those Christians who want to allow for “pluralism” in our society, while at the same time rejecting the sexual fruit of all pluralism, are setting themselves up for a long and frustrating task. Pluralism is simply the civic name for poly­theism, and once you have polytheism, you don’t have any way to herd the gods together and make them say the same thing. We cannot tell all the gods to strive for likeminded­ness, like they were good little Christians."

Police murder dogs in front of young children while searching for what turns out to be a minimal amount of marijuana.

Unbelievable. And I'm against drugs but this is horrifying.