
In Memoriam, Bhenazir Bhutto


The cocks were storm-crowing that morning
after a real long spell of total
environmental darkness.

Two broughams sped by.

(In the land of the prophets
angels speak while elsewhere

people pretend not to notice
it is the status quo.)

The clocks whirred with quick sighs
toward sunset's rosey end,

and lovers sealed Valentines
with moist lips and inspirations.
Bouquets sailed to and fro
that day, one lover after another.

Then, everything just stopped.

Windows fell apart and people ran
home, started looking.
Zoom in, zoom out, zoom in, zoom out.
I looked at my watch to note
schools and airports, avenues named:
for Lincoln, Lumumba, for JFK.

The shades lingered,moved

quietly on the horizon
and the same herd of goats

crossed my path twice.
No more luck, no more money,

no more beadsmen.
The predictions are keen to usurp everyone
and the last unlucky man born will tremble
near a pitcher of water and a set of lost keys.
The invocations quiet the kinfolk
and the rich sleep ever closer
but it does take some time, perhaps forever.

The poor remain indifferent.

One man was found

two weeks later in the rubble,
pointing in one direction and holding his cell.
No one called out the dogs

because it is said the canines eat
the corpses of Sabra and Shatilla.

I wonder.. to whom was he speaking,
where was he pointing?


The Waiting

A few more minutes of this midnight
might extinguish all the cold
for an ever, this tightly guarded
citadel with precise rotations
can only take so much sunshine,
so much rain and this amount
of darkness. A few more minutes
of determination might kill
another hundred thousand people.
These restless words and books
tell those types nothing,
yet our expectations
hound us to the grave
in which those that do
relax talk to those
that don't about the waiting.
It is coming on strong mister
this Armageddon of yours.
Why did you do it?
A few more minutes in this
purgatory can't stand you up,
can't resusitate your sorries
from under this blanket
of soil and surrender.


[11.48] It was said: O Nuh! descend with peace from Us and blessings on you and on the people from among those who are with you, and there shall be nations whom We will afford provisions, then a painful punishment from Us shall afflict them.

This American Shia Muslim has her Eyes Wide Open...you know, it is hard to explain the contempt I have for non muslim people at this point in time but especially the contempt I have for American non muslim people who are ignorant not only of Islam but of their own human rights, responsibilities and loyalty to THEIR OWN COUNTRY let alone to Allah. Fact of the matter is, as a muslim, I OUGHT to support a weak leader like Hilary Clinton or Obama in order to hope for a more speedy demise of the United States of America. The conclusive demise which is absolutely, on it's way if it isn't here already. But in the end, I am an American. I only hold an American passport and therefore, I must conclude that the best thing to do is to support the best man for the job regardless of the fact that he isn't necessarily "pro" Shia as some might believe or "anti" Israel as others do. He is simply a man of his word and an American to the bone.

My eyes have always been wide open to these things. If Americans had supported their own country in the dismantling of Saddam's regime, we wouldn't be there now. It would have been over. But NO...people who do not know what Islam says and is all about just couldn't be bothered with a "sectarian" conflict and the threat of one. To this day most people have literally no idea what the conflict is about. They could care less because non muslims in general do care less. They are careless individuals who demand proof but even when proof comes to them they remain aloof.

I do believe however that Ron Paul will most likely fail because most Americans can't pour piss out of a boot even with the instructions written on the heel. And when he does Americans have NO ONE BUT THEMSELVES TO BLAME as if..they weren't blameworthy enough already for their ignorance, apathy and failure to admit their own arrogance which is the type based on ignorance and which leads inevitably to the fall of great nations. It always has and always will.

May the best people win. And I am one hundred percent sure, they will do exactly that. In fact, they already have by making the United States look utterly ridiculous to themselves and in the eyes of the nations of the world.

"Our obsession with democracy-- which is clearly conditional, when one looks at our response to the recent Palestinian elections-- will allow the majority Shia to claim leadership title if Iraq’s election actually leads to an organized government. This delights the Iranians, who are close allies of the Iraqi Shia.

Talk about unintended consequences! This war has produced chaos, civil war, death and destruction, and huge financial costs. It has eliminated two of Iran’s worst enemies and placed power in Iraq with Iran’s best friends. Even this apparent failure of policy does nothing to restrain the current march toward a similar confrontation with Iran. What will it take for us to learn from our failures?" - Ron Paul, Republican candidate for the president of the United States of America.


On the Occasion of the Prophet Isa's birth:

Perform (good) acts while you are still in the vastness of life, the books are open (for recording of actions), repentance is allowed, the runner away (from Allah) is being called and the sinner is being given hope (of forgiveness) before the (light of) action is put off, time expires, life ends, the door for repentance is closed and angels ascend to the sky.

Therefore a man should derive benefit from himself for himself, from the living for the dead, from the mortal, for the lasting and from the departer for the stayer. A man should fear Allah while he is given age to live upto his death, and is allowed time to act. A man should control his self by the rein and hold it with its bridle, thus by the rein he should prevent it from disobedience towards Allah, and by the bridle he should lead it towards obedience to Allah.

-Emir Ali ibn Abi Taleb, Commander of the Faithful and brother to the last prophet, May Allah be pleased with all of them.

Happy Holidays


A vote for ANYONE other than Ron Paul, the only candidate willing to stop the arms race in the Middle East by limiting/halting US military support of Israel, is a VOTE AGAINST RACHEL CORRIE, the young American activist that was murdered in cold blood by an Israeli Defence Forces bulldozer while trying to defend the lives and homes of Palestinians.

Think about it.


Depopulation and Perception Management

Former President Bill Clinton and the George Bushes have business interests in Congo. Senator Howard Baker and Brian Mulroney, former Prime Minister of Canada, are two of their many partners. Their interests in Congo, as everywhere in Africa, revolve around raw materials: diamonds and gold; Congo coffee; and strategic minerals, including tantalum, columbium-tantalite (coltan), niobium, uranium, copper and tungsten. While all are vital to globalization, militarization and the control of space, none are as critical as cobalt, an element essential to military-industrial superalloys, found in quantities in Congo as nowhere else. Cobalt's crucial role in tank armor, spacecraft, furnaces, refineries, mining, submarines, locomotives, nuclear reactors, and nuclear weapons dictates that access to Congo cobalt is a major Pentagon prerogative. As everywhere, the spoils include phenomenal reserves of oil and natural gas.

Behind local African warlords are the real players: Exxon, Unilever, Branch Energy, and Bechtel. These are secretive corporations who, with the support of the U.S., UK and French governments, fund, arm and train private mercenary armies. Players include Hans Van Lujik and Bernard Legrand of Royal Dutch Shell; General Ed Soyster of Military Professional Resources Inc. (Washington); CIA agent Lawrence Devlin; even covert U.S. forces. With their secret backers and alliances, African "leaders" like Paul Kagame and Yoweri MU.S.eveni, and their many jungle warlords, have waged war-as-cover for private profit. These proxy armies are depopulating Africa. Popular writers like Philip Gourevitch ["We wish to inform you that tomorrow we will be killed with our families: Stories from Rwanda", 1998] are covering it up.

Keith Harmon Snow's work has appeared in publications in the U.S., UK and Japan. In Tokyo, he was staff writer, photographer & editor at Japan International Journal. In 2000 Snow returned from his investigations of war in central Africa and "the genocide" in Rwanda. The next year he gave expert testimony, on genocide and U.S. covert operations in Africa, at a special congressional hearing in Washington D.C. He also attended the International Criminal Tribunal on Rwanda in Arusha, Tanzania. This and another one of Snow's reports on Central Africa are included in Project Censored 2003, a book on the top 25 underreported news stories of 2001-2002.

Why doesn't Lou Dobbs talk about this?
Ode To Ernie Ford

Once upon a time everything
was homemade. The tortillas
down to the chocolate eclairs
the little girls and little boys
would pick their share of as they
dangled from the arm
of the chain-smoking novena plastered
mothers in pill box hats. The bread
smelted forth out a great silent
machine, round and gray towers
with a day's worth of bread.
Traded from behind the counters
of drug stores and day-old places,
full of handwritten credits.
The salesgirl's face the same
over and over from the liquor shops
to the mercantile where all the women
felt the worth of yards of gingham
with garden tended hands stuck
in apron pockets over poodle pieces
and last year's dresses
and as they fondled bolts of laundry
hung to dry out on sagging lines
nearwhere the stockyard blood
soaked into saw dust from coin-op horses,
they sang benedictions to another day
older and deeper in debt, what you get
from eight hours in the mineral graves
the new fangled loaves to six yards of eyelet.
Before the burns and infestations,
the migrations of paisley, the formation
of smokes over the Dead Sea downwind
from Cananea pleurosis-nervosis in most of us.
The commemorations, handmade and so trusted
the dusting powders and ore cars full of snuff,
Yardley Rose of Avon, poor damn Lucky Strike.
The seas too dried to part.

Truly cool video and truly cool music.
Obama in the eyes of Palestinians: Electronic Intifada @ here.

"Israel is "our strongest ally in the region and its only established democracy," Obama said, assuring his audience that "we must preserve our total commitment to our unique defense relationship with Israel by fully funding military assistance and continuing work on the Arrow and related missile defense programs." Such advanced multi-billion dollar systems he asserted, would help Israel "deter missile attacks from as far as Tehran and as close as Gaza." As if the starved, besieged and traumatized population of Gaza are about to develop intercontinental ballistic missiles. "


Vote Ron Paul. He has literally delivered 4000 babies. Now there's an idea...an actual doctor with actual ethics in the White House. Crazy.

Start first by donating some money to his campaign. Online @


Volunteer here (free):



Yusef Islam, The Peace Train
99 Names of Allah

..and Happy Holidays.


Liar Liar Pants On Fire!

"IDF to show US nuclear data on Iran"

olmert olmertolmert

These arseholes just won't give up. I imagine that Allah isn't done wit 'em yet and if they do "launch" an attack against Iran, I guess there will be no option for Iran but to wipe them off the face of the map.

That's the down side of being wrong about something and going out on such an infirm family tree limb you know.

The limb breaks and the cradle falls.

And then this one just cracks me up!

"The purpose of Brown's company, Zion Oil and Gas, is to find the oil so that Israel can benefit economically, strategically - and prophetically. "

Yup...I guess since Putin and the ruskies kicked these morons out of their territory..they have to start searching REAL hard for some energy. I have a feeling if they don't change their ways...oil is going to get really hard to come by because the US cannot afford to continue to subsidize this religious hypocrisy called "israel". Man...are those people ever in a pickle!

Serves them right. Murderers. Heh...I think I'll print that photo and keep a copy in my wallet so I can have a laugh when I need it.

Poor devil. Olmert is such a wicked person and you know, he isn't even as wicked as some of the other Israeli devils in action. But you just can't beat that look of utter humiliation that that guy sports on his mug.

In an Israeli photo booth:

hilary three hilary three

hilary three


It is related that a companion of Amir al-mu'minin called Hammam(1) who was a man devoted to worship said to him, "O' Amir al-mu'minin, describe to me the pious man in such a way as though I see them." Amir al-mu'minin avoided the reply and said, "O' Hammam, fear Allah and perform good acts because 'Verily, Allah is with those who guard (themselves against evil), and those who do good (to others)'" (Qur'an, 16:128). Hammam was not satisfied with this and pushed him to speak. Thereupon, Amir al-mu'minin praised Allah and extolled Him and sought His blessings on the Holy Prophet and then spoke:

Now then, Allah the Glorified, the Sublime, created (the things of) creation. He created them without any need for their obedience or being safe from their sinning, because the sin of anyone who sins does not harm Him nor does the obedience of anyone who obeys Him benefit Him. He has distributed among them their livelihood, and has assigned them their positions in the world.

Thus, the God-fearing, in it are the people of distinction. Their speech is to the point, their dress is moderate and their gait is humble. They keep their eyes closed to what Allah has made unlawful for them, and they put their ears to that knowledge which is beneficial to them. They remain in the time of trials as though they remain in comfort. If there had not been fixed periods (of life) ordained for each, their spirits would not have remained in their bodies even for the twinkling of an eye because of (their) eagerness for the reward and fear of chastisement. The greatness of the Creator is seated in their heart, and, so, everything else appears small in their eyes. Thus to them Paradise is as though they see it and are enjoying its favours. To them, Hell is also as if they see it and are suffering punishment in it.

Their hearts are grieved, they are protected against evils, their bodies are thin, their needs are scanty, and their souls are chaste. They endured (hardship) for a short while, and in consequence they secured comfort for a long time. It is a beneficial transaction that Allah made easy for them. The world aimed at them, but they did not aim at it. It captured them, but they freed themselves from it by a ransom.

During a night they are upstanding on their feet reading portions of the Qur'an and reciting it in a well-measured way, creating through it grief for themselves and seeking by it the cure for their ailments. If they come across a verse creating eagerness (for Paradise) they pursue it avidly, and their spirits turn towards it eagerly, and they feel as if it is in front of them. And when they come across a verse which contains fear (of Hell) they bend the ears of their hearts towards it, and feel as though the sound of Hell and its cries are reaching their ears. They bend themselves from their backs, prostrate themselves on their foreheads, their palms, their knees and their toes, and beseech Allah, the Sublime, for their deliverance. During the day they are enduring, learned, virtuous and God-fearing. Fear (of Allah) has made them thin like arrows. If any one looks at them he believes they are sick, although they are not sick, and he says that they have gone mad. In fact, great concern (i.e., fear) has made them mad.

They are not satisfied with their meagre good acts, and do not regard their major acts as great. They always blame themselves and are afraid of their deeds. When anyone of them is spoken of highly, he says: "I know myself better than others, and my Lord knows me better than I know. O' Allah do not deal with me according to what they say, and make me better than they think of me and forgive me (those shortcomings) which they do not know."

The peculiarity of anyone of them is that you will see that he has strength in religion, determination along with leniency, faith with conviction, eagerness in (seeking) knowledge in forbearance, moderation in riches, devotion in worship, gracefulness in starvation, endurance in hardship, desire for the lawful, pleasure in guidance and hatred from greed. He performs virtuous deeds but still feels afraid. In the evening he is anxious to offer thanks (to Allah). In the morning his anxiety is to remember (Allah). He passes the night in fear and rises in the morning in joy - fear lest night is passed in forgetfulness, and joy over the favour and mercy received by him. If his self refuses to endure a thing which it does not like he does not grant its request towards what it likes. The coolness of his eye lies in what is to last for ever, while from the things (of this world) that will not last he keeps aloof. He transfuses knowledge with forbearance, and speech with action.

You will see his hopes simple, his shortcomings few, his heart fearing, his spirit contented, his meal small and simple, his religion safe, his desires dead and his anger suppressed. Good alone is expected from him. Evil from him is not to be feared. Even if he is found among those who forget (Allah) he is counted among those who remember (Him), but if he is among the rememberers he is not counted among the forgetful. He forgives him who is unjust to him, and he gives to him who deprives him. He behaves well with him who behaves ill with him.

Indecent speech is far from him, his utterance is lenient, his evils are non-existent his virtues are ever present, his good is ahead and mischief has turned its face (from him). He is dignified during calamities, patient in distresses, and thankful during ease. He does not commit excess over him whom he hates, and does not commit sin for the sake of him whom he loves. He admits truth before evidence is brought against him. He does not misappropriate what is placed in his custody, and does not forget what he is required to remember. He does not call others bad names, he does not cause harm to his neighbour, he does not feel happy at others misfortunes, he does not enter into wrong and does not go out of right.

If he is silent his silence does not grieve him, if he laughs he does not raise his voice, and if he is wronged he endures till Allah takes revenge on his behalf. His own self is in distress because of him, while the people are in ease from him. He puts himself in hardship for the sake of his next life, and makes people feel safe from himself. His keeping away from others is by way of asceticism and purification, and his nearness to those to whom he is near is by way of leniency and mercifulness. His keeping away is not by way of vanity or feeling of greatness, nor his nearness by way of deceit and cheating.

It is related that Hammam passed into a deep swoon and then expired. Then Amir al-mu'minin said: Verily, by Allah I had this fear about him. Then he added: Effective advices produce such effects on receptive minds. Someone (2) said to him: O' Amir al-mu'minin, how is it you do not receive such an effect? Amir al-mu'minin replied: Woe to you. For death there is a fixed hour which cannot be exceeded, and a cause which does not change. Now look, never repeat such talk which Satan had put on your tongue.


Pins, Camels, Angels, Needles

My brother, can I bring thee back once more?What can I do? Where can I tell my woes?To whom can I recount the pain I bore?Our city is now ruled by evil foes.The world has been destroyed beyond belief.How can I live within this house of grief? - from the Battle Poem of Kerbala

An old policy goes
that you have
to get angry.

This fellow told me
to go play in the sun
which is terrible
when you think
about it, the sun.
The exile of it.

In this case
he was right
but not
because he was
all stressed out
about the pain


he was just
preserving his own
exile, no way
to share in pain
so he said:
Go play in the sun.

A few weeks passed
and a few more.
He asked
if he could
still be loved
by me or anyone.
The songs he made up
about me were private
and I knew all about them.
He wondered
where anger was
because it must
be somewhere.

Not all love
feels the same
and as I drifted
home for the evening
from the dialysis center
in Douglas Arizona,
through the utter
darkness I found
his answer.

Injustice I said,
a little too late
for it to matter.
It is about injustice
and this is the exile.

There is no sun in paradise.


Zionist American Jack Abramoff hosted Mohamed Atta (of 9/11 fame) on his casino ship weeks before Humpty Dumpty took a great fall. Wha? Holy Caca Batman. Yer kidding me.

Nope. It's true. See: http://www.madcowprod.com/06202005.html


WASHINGTON (AP) - The Bush administration is laying out a new secrecy defense in an effort to end a court battle about the White House visits of now-imprisoned lobbyist Jack Abramoff.

Heh...that's almost as good as the one where the Bush family hosted crazy Hinkley's brother (of Jody Foster/Reagan fame) for dinner a few weeks before they tried to off the Gipper.

It's a mad mad world you know and then, you have the Clintons. Vince Foster and that missing palate...stuff like that.

As Emenem says in his wonderful tune, "Can I get a witness?"
Dear Santa Claus, Please send me the following:


Walled Nativity Scene available @


Perfect for those unfamiliar with Zionism


Is American all out of heroes or what?

Musa Sadr (the father of modern Shi'ism) who was "disappeared" by Muammer Qadafi in league with the US and Mossad:

I'll tell ya what's scary Rudy....you are scary.