

Read February 27, 2006
Everything you say and do is recorded.

That is all.

Write what you want to be remembered by.

Israel is recording its own butchery and its own lie. I am so grateful for their technology. We could have never done such a thorough job without them in terms of providing the Creator with evidence of their evil crimes.

C'anaa, is the place where it is said, Jesus (Isa, pbuh) turned water into wine. The cave there is ancient and outside of it are carved mysterious figures. Some believe them to be angels but I believe them to be the sleepers of the cave who resided there for an undetermined amount of time accompanied by one dog. When they rose up from their cave, they saw how the world had changed.

It is, The Cave, one of the most beautiful Suras in the Glorious Quran.


When Moths Visit

The moths and bees know the history
of the planets and high pitched voices
carry the most ancient stories
in subtle sounds of mating and destructions.
They understand violence and capture
as well as they've taught the secrets
of Solomon, his staff and the termites
who gnawed at the fictions.
The bugs scurry away to their tunnels
secreting the taste of what rots
with the odor and maps of footprints
of those who left the bodies to waste.
Ground waters carry the dead scents
into the cavernous aqueducts or toward
the sky to be carried along with the seeds
of all blessings and injustice.
Poetry is easy if you know the languages.


The only NEGOTIATION available to the West and their Zionist Owners at this point, as I see it, is the RELEASE OF LEBANESE PRISONERS IN ISRAELI JAILS.

You see, the Department of Idiotic Ministers of the United States of America think that the negotiation ought to be:

Nasrallah stops his resistance to oppression and Israel stops murdering innocent people.

Boy. Have you ever heard of such individual criminals and serial killers in movies and on TV?

Are you not horrified by their ideas of ransoms? And have you not been taught by 'their' movies that the criminal keeps coming back to life and trying again and again and again until finally, he is vanquished?

Signs. All around us and the Betrayal of Their Very Own Lies is everywhere...in the movies they sell to the world, in the video games they push on children, in their music.......it has been a worldwide and thorough brainwashing of the ignorant.

So. This will not end until those prisoners are released, regardless of who dies. How it is. And as Nasrallah has stated, the war is now at a new level.

Well, I'll say. He has exposed the USA, he has exposed the Zionists as Nazis in sheep's clothing and he has exposed every single person who is witness to it all that the time has come for many people to face their OPPRESSORS head on. In Africa and in Hoboken. In Illinois and in China. I've no doubt that everyone is a participant in this war now. And everyone has a choice to make. Time doesn't wait for you.....as my very fine mother in law always advised me.

I went fishing
and hooked some fish.
I kept a few
and threw some back.
Some were not mine to catch.
The story of those I've left behind.

Ah, some folks are so right. I should not appear to be angry because I am not angry. I mean, anger is nothing really but a response to powerlessness. Old news there.

Let me clarify what I am so that some of you can stop wasting your time trying to 'help' me out of my "abyss".

I am CONVINCED. I have CERTITUDE rather than merely faith be it negotiable or non negotiable. I am FEARFUL of the ignorants and their desperate attempts to explain how it is that they feel so paralysed in a situation such as this. One thing I know for sure is that the only thing worse than a person with the WRONG opinion, is a person with NO opinion. People with NO opinion are generally used by those with evil intentions in order to dissiminate chaos which is in turn used to produce agreement via silent acquiescence.

Who did I leave behind? I left behind a very large family who loved me and I them. I left behind a family who stood behind me regardless of the situation. I left behind innocent human beings whose only hope was to increase the solidarity of a family so that on Judgement Day, we all could be reunited.

Strangely enough, my increase in faith and ability to use words came to me only six months ago. It was a very rapid progression of tests, all of which, I seem to have passed. It was very rapid, it was witnessed by so many because lets face it, I'm a talker. And there is one thing I know, via our witnessing of events to other people, we record our data in their minds and hearts. Why is that? Because it isn't up to any individual who is 'chosen' for Islam. Allah chooses a person for that. Via witnessing to others, miracles can be seen for what they are. and our faith is validated. Things like faith are so hard to prove you know. It is unfortunate however that some people are so lacking in faith in the Creator that they misinterpret that information and take things personally when the going gets tough. They are afraid of being WRONG. Well, that is the problem with human logic and reason. It is faulty.

My miracles though were not a product of reason or logic. although my tremendous intellect has had a very important role in terms of researching the problems involved in the ME right now. In fact, as some of them were being carried out in front of me I was dazed and confused because sometimes, they appeared to be terrible things or things meant to hurt others. Not at all. I see how each and every thing I've said and done during my amazing religious ecstasy has its place in each of the individuals with whom I've communicated very personal data.

So, who did I leave behind as well? I left behind ONE unbeliever. A person whom I've always considered to be my very own brother. Mohamed and I go way back. I married his brother and prior to marrying his brother, I met Mohamed's stare in a college registration line. It was a long look. Very long. I was so surprised to discover him in my soon-to-be husband's dorm room and introduced to me. Our life story began to unfold right then and there. Mohamed was always there for me and we shared the same sense of humor I have, cynical. I'll never forget the time when he was planning on losing his virginity to a beautiful Indian girl (Navajo if I remember correctly) and he couldn't 'get it up'. I counselled him. Then, when I experienced troubles in my marriage early on, he was always there for me to offer me solace. He knew his brother and he knew how they were raised.

How were they raised? Well, last week when I was trapped inside of my Beirut digs with my sister in law who had fled from the impoverished neighborhoods of West Beirut, we spoke about so many things. So many. We had an intense coming together and shared what we had failed to share over the past 15 years since I met my husband's family. She told me about her grandfather and his abuse of her grandmother. You see, my husband was not raised by his parents but by his grandparents. Like most Lebanese, his parents were illiterate and poor and the only way they could be successful in life was to travel abroad to do business. So anyway, she told me a story about her grandfather that I'd never heard. Oh, I knew the old goat could be an ass but because of the respect that is due to a man in his position, my husband and his brother had never told me about some of the episodes that formed their character. She told me that once, the old man took his wife and placed a noose around her neck and prepared to hang her from the ledge inside the old house where she used to sit in order to make flat bread, out of the way of the many children in her care. As he placed the noose on her head, she went around the house in order to close the blinds in order that the neighbors not see her being put to death.

That is how they grew up. They grew up in the "OLD WORLD". When women were simply treated as they were treated in the days of ignorance, prior to Islam becoming such a big part of everyone's life. In those days, COMMUNISM AND SOCIALISM ruled the day. It was the days of khaki as mentioned in a fine poem by Mahmoud Darwish. Post Ottoman oppression of the Shi'i. In your LINGO, they call that, a POWER VACUUM. When one oppressor leaves the house to another oppressor, it leaves one of those awful things behind.

So my brother Moe grew up in times like those and witnessed the emergence of Shi'ism. You see, Shi'ism has always been oppressed, not just by non muslims but more importantly, by the Sunni rulers and for a very good reason. That reason, what is that reason? Well, in the early days of Islam, the prophet was told by Allah to appoint a 'successor' who would not only memorize the Quran but a person who would also WITNESS the life of a very important person in world history.As well, Mohamed was told to also recite in the Quran this exact warning that Allah gave to HIM personally and that is, that if he DIDN'T state God's Will for a delegate who would serve in the absence of future prophets, he would have failed entirely as a prophet.. We all know how history is....written by the victors but the truth always lives in the hearts and minds of the victims of the oppressors. And so it was that this appointment resulted in the major split in Islam. Those who insisted that God's Will must be followed right down to the last period and those who thought they could 'consult' with one another and forego God's Will and make up their own plan.

The fact that he (my brother in law Moe) witnessed the birth of Shi'ism or rather, the re-emergence of it, created in him a sense of disbelief. We all know how human being get DESPERATE in times of chaos. Thing is, even when the chaos disappeared as Lebanon was rebuilt into one of the wonders of the modern world, Islam not only didn't disappear, it became stronger. It has spread throughout the ME and the rest of the planet like a wildfire. But for Mohamed, he remained unconvinced, and, lost as to what his future ought to be. How often humans are in that miserable trap. Every one of us.

Mohamed only arrived to Lebanon two months ago. He had been working in the Circus in the US selling souvenirs on a seasonal basis. Very lonely and unhappy journeys he has been on. Two years ago however, he met an honest girl. Her name is Dalal. Very pious and works in an orphanage near my Beirut apartment as a 'house parent'. You know what those are right? I mean, for some reason, many Americans think that muslims are from outer space and don't have real world concerns or societal problems like drugs, alcohol, poverty, etc. or the need for something like a 'house parent'.

So Mohamed was in Lebanon in order to consummate the marriage contract he had agreed to almost a year ago. He was there to have sexual relations with his new wife. Oh it was feisty alright. I bought her negligee and a heart necklace made of brushed gold. Still though, Mohamed was unconvinced of the existence of a Creator. Everyone else in our family though were and are, well on our way to Judgement Day with clean hearts. That is the ticket you see, you want to get rid of all the refuse in your soul before you die. Not only get rid of it, but UNDERSTAND it. Forgiveness isn't about a person dying on the cross to save you from your sins. That is just ridiculous.

Mohamed was left behind by the Creator in order that he receive the same crash course that I was treated to over the past months and years. His course however, clearly must be more powerful because he entered into it with a sense of agnosticism as opposed to me who only entered into it with the handicap of drinking, my belief was already secure six months ago when my very serious lesson plan of the soul began . He is the only one we have left on that side of the world who still requires convincing. Will it be successful?

I believe so. He is there now with his brilliant sense of humor. Where only three weeks ago he had no idea what to do in his life...to return to the Circus or start a business in war torn Liberia.
Very hard life in Liberia right now you know. Very hard. People have to haul their own water and have no electricity. One of my other 'brothers' is already there and has been for almost two years. One of his children, Hamoodi, has had Malaria twice already. So now, Mohamed doesn't have to choose. His choice was given to him by the Creator. He was given a pious, good wife and an opportunity for redemption. To serve his family as the only son able to remain behind because he was the only one already there. Fate. Destiny. The Will of Allah. Powerful.

The other brothers...well...my husband and his other two brothers...their wives, including me, were all stranded in Lebanon. We have all made it out. The other two women and their seven children made it into Syria. I'm good now that I know that they made it out. I am also glad that to one of them, I made ammends just a month ago when I apologized to her for condoning alcohol consumption and made her feel like a fool for opposing it. When I apologized to her (I was cleaning my bathroom and was suddenly overwhelmed by the urge to go talk with her about what I suddenly realized I had done)..when I apologized to her (before the Israeli aggression) she just sobbed. I mean she SOBBED. She said, "But I didn't hold it against you."
Of course she didn't. She loves me and always has. I told her, "Well, it would have been better if you'd have hated me for it." And it is quite clear to each of these three men, my husband and his brothers TRAPPED outside of Lebanon while their wives were TRAPPED inside, that their faith was being negotiated to a higher level. None of them now are disappointed and not a single one doubt their creation or the creation of all things including the bad things we are all going through now in this world. All of us are folks. If you think you are not...well then you are nuts or mentally handicapped. Or perhaps, you think you are 'better' than the impoverished people of the world and for some reason, you don't have to suffer.

Now I still have four young women trapped in Lebanon, my husband's four younger sisters. One of them is in grave danger. The war is just over the hill from our village down there. One sister is hiding in that hospital that you may have seen on CNN. She is there with her four children and husband who is what we call, a Sayyed. Not an active member of any organization but just a hard working man who happens to trace his lineage to the immediate family of the prophet, a very, very large and extended family. A quiet and pious man. A tired man. A frustrated man whose only hope was to make life for my husband's sister and their children better. Oh, he has a story too. Don't they all! If only I can manage to tell their stories. If only I can.

So yes, I need to let you poor readers know that this isn't anger. This is CERTITUDE and it is also GRATEFULNESS that the Lord of the Worlds CHOSE ME to witness. Chose me to have the talent to write about it and most of all, CHOSE ME to be a muslim. That some of you are quite jealous of my faith, well, what can I say. If I knew someone like me and I was 'faithless', it would give me some pretty bad feelings of envy and jealousy inside. How it is. Especially for some of my fellow poets who think they know the real deal but have never experienced anything more than a bad mike at a reading.

Sadly for many of you, you stand no chance of being chosen.

The Jews though, are what we call "The Chosen". Well, chosen for what? And you know, we believe they are THE CHOSEN PEOPLE. Chosen is a funny word though and implies so many things. To some, it has implied PREFERRED. I think this is a misinterpretation. I think their role in the plan of Allah, this vast and sometimes chaotic, obscure plan of Allah, is something the knowledge of the meaning of it, is only with Allah.

For now though, we don't want to die. Nasrallah never said anything about the Shi'i WANTING to die. He only said that we are UNAFRAID of dying. And why are we unafraid of that?

Because a true Shi'i has been chosen for a very specific purpose and each one of them is given a path to purification via understanding their life story and the long history of Islam.

And you know what? THEIR story has never changed. Rain or shine, it has never once changed. And real Shi'i know what it means to be a Shi'i. It means patience and struggle. It means knowing an enemy from an ignorant. And when you finally understand Islam, be it Sunni or Shi'i (from this point on) you will successfully understand a very HUGE portion of the chaotic plan for this planet.

The Shi'i do not hate Americans. They love Americans and I am example of that. What they are actually is a people disgusted with HYPOCRISY. Worldwide hypocrisy and the disintegration of the Good.

And who isn't nowadays! But for some reason, some people in the world poisoned your minds against them. That is the job of the hypocrit. And we all know at least one of those!

I know perhaps a half dozen. And I also see them on TV by the hundreds. I also see many who are not hypocrits and now, their minds are at war with them. Especially the many uniformed soldiers of the US armed forces who I had the pleasure of meeting on my journey....guys like Quinty and others like that crazy lightweight kickboxer LeBron, a Puerto Rican with so much wit. He sat at our table and I was showing him my famous Leatherman Tool and he said, "If you spin the Leatherman, you can travel through time." Ah, some of us wish we could. I'd travel right back to about three weeks ago in South Lebanon, to a young boys birthday party, my darling Hassounah who is now safe in Syria. When that party concluded, I told my husband, "I'm so happy now. I'm safe with my family and my beliefs. I am finally at rest."

And you see, Americans are under the impression that they live in a peaceful country. How untrue!

THE MINDS OF AMERICA ARE AT WAR WITHIN THEIR VERY OWN CRANIUMS. RIGHT HEMISPHERE AGAINST LEFT HEMISPHERE. LOGIC VERSUS FAITH versus a whole lot of propaganda and in the midst of being trained by their own government to be Nazis.

Go figure how that could happen again. Go figure.




Remember the Gujarat?

The Indians burned almost 2,000 innocent muslims alive in the streets.

And America wants to do what? Sell them nuclear warheads now?

Why folks are you so stupid? Don't you remember anything? Too busy with the beer is it?
Or is it the porno. Or hey, professional wrestling. There is something to entertain you all in the Circus called the West, something for everyone. And that way, you just stop thinking about how the world is burning muslims alive left right and center. Ah, anyway, better to live without us and that way, when the world shakes, we don't have to watch you all go down.

Better that way if you ask me because I've no doubt that there's alot of folks I really would rather not see die that way. Truly.
What would you do if you had Hitler and his army staring you in the face and killing your children with glee?

And let me tell you, Hezbollah KNEW Israel was planning this and has already rounded up many Mossad spies in Lebanon along with their collaborators.

You see, Israel is a ROGUE STATE second only to Hitler's Germany.

And, we are not talking about Jews here. We are talking about the racist and corrupt ideology called Zionism. No more and no less.

You see? Nazism Zionism Racism

Islam.....no ISM because it isn't a human idea. It is God's word, and you see...it makes alot of sense but people are just too busy with this life to care about that silly old stuff.



Tsunamis Come In All Shapes And Sizes

In that time, Allah threw buckets
of water all over us in Indonesia.
That is all it took, a few seconds
in which the Commander of All Waters
vanquished lies and lives, good and bad.
I say drink all my water, play with all
I own, cover it with your hungry fingers
jealous of what I know and own, that is
my soul and the histories of it recorded
in every hidden thing. Take it all
for yourselves. Enjoy your last suppers.

There is nothing but a plan, an immense
plan where the edges are as obscure
as the horizons of Columbus. His signs
and the signs of everyday, the mercies
of newborn horses walking within moments.

The brilliant paths cut into the sea
upon which the prophet walked as if
he were already in paradise where the goblets
of pure wines are served that leave no traces
of sin, no headaches and certainly, no stains.

I've sailed upon boats now full of moribund
survivors. It is what I must have asked for.
To The Courageous Israeli Soldier Who Posted Here

You see Israeli soldier, you never said you were a believing practicing Jew and I owe you no apologies. All my apologies are reserved for the few remaining believing ones who know their books. Oh, there are some but very few of them are willing to live on soil stained with the murderous blood of Zionist hatreds and jealousies and corruptions.

When and if you say you are a Jew I will comfort you with my knowledge of your story. The story of the real Jewish disseminations...the way Allah planted their seeds just as he is planting ours. You see, some of those Jews got angry at Allah as we all know. They sowed those kinds of seeds and bitter plants in other peoples. Some of them also spread seeds from the days of Solomon in which he was given the ability to speak with animals and insects...they spread astrologies and fake magics from the days of Moses. Some of them, very few, sowed seeds of true belief..they are my only concern. Not a uniformed murderer who works for a state agency. That is what you are and if you don't like it..well then change it but don't ask me to carry anger or disbelief in the word of Allah for YOUR sake. You are no one to me.

I saw a Hasidic Jew pass by me in Newark New Jersey. I could not hate him even if I tried because I don't know him. I could not kill him because he has not hurt me personally. Israel however has hurt me personally now and any good Jew will tell you all about eye for an eye.

Is a whole country equivalent to the imprisonment of two armed combatants who work for a state agency? Or seven dead? You tell me since you are so smart.

Israel very well may win this...in fact...I hope they do. I hope they get all the money and satisfaction they can possibly EAT in this life. I hope their pockets are FULL of dirty money and their fingerprints are all over it. I hope they occupy my house and finger all my possessions that I have lovingly collected to remember the years I've spent on this planet. All my documentations..they should read them, look at them, tear them up, deface them and spit on them. Especially that...we all know our DNA can be traced in our saliva.

I reserve my soul not for hatred but for witness to the crimes they commit and my signs now are all around them...at arm's reach.

I only feel impatient for the separations this causes...some maybe separations of death and some may only be long/short term physical separations depending on Allah's will for me and my person.

I don't even have anger anymore. This has finally cured me of that.

Kill me, dismember me, imprison me and take away everything I own. The more that is removed from me in this life, the bigger my reward in paradise.

Thing is...we don't all experience death via physical martyrdom. Some of us have a much more painful fate and that is watching the disbelievers in the world herd people like cattle across borders and make money providing SO CALLED aid...like Kofi Annan. Can't wait to see that one in hell. Like so many others like Olmert, the bloodthirsty cannibal and heathen that he is. Ever see him act like a believing Jew? Wear a marmaluke?

Nope. Because you see, as you all have informed us...most of the good Jews were already exterminated by Hitler. They are awaiting Judgement Day along with us all...living, dead, and whatever there is of those in the in between like Isa and Khizr.

We all get to Judgement Day at the same time.....short time from now if you compare the age of the earth to the span of time since the WARNINGS began.

This is in the phase of the last warnings...we've known that since Jesus (Isa, pbuh) told us exactly that:


Better hurry up and figure out your creator's plan for you. You've not much time and it could even be five minutes from now or it could be, five hundred more years when your face is made white with fear because of your earthly choices which ALL have proof..fingerprints just all over the place. Newspapers, photos, bombs which are signed (coerced out of, that is) by young Israeli children.

Sadly, you will only see hatred when in fact I am doing you a favor.

Wake up pal. Wake up.


This is where this story ends for now. I hope all who get a chance to really read through some of the essays here will understand some of the big picture of Islam now. That it was never ever about Osama. You were just ignorant of it...to busy with the vanities in life to take the time to read what it says and connect the dots to history and the books of other religions. My work here is really all I have now save for a few bits and bobs.

Nevermind....poetry is temporary. This life is only a vanity.

What is more important is that I am now separated from my truly wonderful family in south Lebanon who are only a km or less away from the battles. All of them TRAPPED in a house...thirty or forty of them, mostly children with no escape. Israel already occupied our home for two years in 1982 but things were different then. There were still a few REAL believing Jews in their armies. What they now have in Israel as reported in the newspapers today is this:


Wow. You've got to wonder what that old Jewish tradition is and what is WAS and what it is supposed to be. I'm relatively sure it isn't to murder and maim people who are simply fighting for their lives, their fellow muslims and truth.

Well, when I am asked about my bitter battles with the Silliman racist blog and with my own good friends who failed to be able to look up a word or two on their own (ZIONISM) by Allah...then this will be documented as well.

85% of all Israelis believe in SERIAL KILLING.
For whoever had the COURAGE to tell me that I ought to be 'careful' about what I say about the war criminals of Israel....

you too.


That, my friend, is from the Quran. Not me, from Allah. He knew what he created when he created us, them and people like you.

You see, we all return to Allah....dogs cats trees flowers people Jews athiests Buddhists...all returns to Allah and then Allah asks:





For whoever had the COURAGE to tell me that I ought to be 'careful' about what I say about the war criminals of Israel....

you too.


That, my friend, is from the Quran. Not me, from Allah. He knew what he created when he created us, them and people like you.

You see, we all return to Allah....dogs cats trees flowers people Jews athiests Buddhists...all returns to Allah and then Allah asks:








it all starts here
with the goodness of words
the feel of words
sound, taste of words
coming out of the mouth
the pen
coming out as new born babes
fighting breathing
all at once
release sliding out
sliding and sliding
laying still
goodness all around
eyes and more eyes
looking in, looking out
wet and finished
smothered in ink
blood tears
out at last
no more aimless
floating in another's
sea, another's supply
no more silence
only words
coming out
fast and ripe
cry baby amen
cry allelujah
hosannah in the highest
hey amen
this crib is a church
this cry is hunger
amen allelujah
this is for love
this for pain
cry all over
cry amen
try a little harder
make it a little broader
fill as much of this space
with cry amen.

Long Live The Resistance To Israeli TERRORISM

Israel INVENTED TERRORISM and their fingerprints are recorded at the scenes of all of their crimes against humanity and anyone who dares to question their authority.



When the Syrians disembarked from our planet a few months ago, I took it upon myself to visit a few of their installations I was so used to walking by with my eyes cast down. One in particular which sits next door to the lovely Mrs. Amar's house (she is a widow with 27 cats, two dogs (one, a gigantic Russian breed and very kind), some fowl and one Bengali male helper) is worth noting. It is the place I realized the idea that there is more than one way of seeing things. Of course, I was convinced of this before that fateful day but I didn't really believe it myself. My senses proved otherwise. We must trust those senses. And then we turn our head or stand on a different knoll, the sun is low on the horizon casting certain shadows, or it is noon and there are none at all. So we change our minds and realize our senses can't even be trusted! Nothing is as it seems yet it is, as it is, when we are there.

I usually view Beirut proper from a southerly direction with the northern line of sight ending in a steamy metropolis, full of human activity that I somehow know is there even though I can't see it from such a great distance. Between that view and myself is the giant sandy looking tarmac of modern Phoenician departure. It is new and within it is the memory of the old, the airport in which every corner praised Hafaz Assad and where I once spent one interminable day waiting for a flight back home. Home was something far more foreign than even this place. Home was Riyadh, a dizzy semi-circular void of streets without names and people who dressed uncannily the same, day after day after day. They dressed in reference to the Bible and all the other ancient things that we sometimes abhor and sometimes revere.
To the south of course, is the south. It appears to be a straight line from the metropolis, completely 180 degrees in the other direction, a direction that I often go when seeking peace in the form of a house in a rural area with a view into modern Israel and back into a Medieval castle. I'm almost certain sometimes, that there I can see serfs burning their garbage and the jackals carrying off bones and refuse from the day into their sullied dens.

Behind me is nothing in particular, just a bunch of hills and somewhere even behind that is Syria and behind that, something else too. I don't really know and like the old cave, I only contemplate my shadow not what actually makes it.

In front of me is the sea. Always the sea, always changing.

At the deserted Syrian installation near Mrs. Amar's house however, I realize that everything is generally in a different order. Roads that aren't parallel when they are driven on become twins with roads that ought not to be paired with the others because they course by entirely different realities. The freeway with its locked-in walls where one is isolated in a steady stream of coming and going. It runs alongside a brutal and poorly kept street that harbors fruit vendors and adolescent boys standing about and looking for something to do. The tarmac is far less significant in comparison and in that view.

The southern direction from the top of that knoll, standing just on the edge of a empty foxhole (which is held together by an old tire from a car) is no longer "to the south" and is no longer straight at all. It curves around behind me there, like a lengthy arm on the shoulder of a friend or a lover's around the waist of a lover. So it is, beside me and behind me.

In this orientation, the world is quite circular and the sea, although not directly in front of me is still the sea. The sea without direction, the sea of all changes. The sea which casts no shadow on anything at all but remains forever as it is without us knowing.


Dear One and All:

Well Tima already registered with the US State Department today. My friend, well, haha my friend is the warden for the south and she has no news about evactuations. Although I do not want to go out I guess I have to if the opportunity presents itself...to get Lynette's kids out (maybe) and my own.

Mel is happy now that I have agreed to go so that much is good. If I die tonight then at least he would have won his last battle. :)

Thank you for doing this for us...no one Radi has a sister like you :)

Right now they are threatening all the villages in the south. No roads to leave on so I guess they think they want people to walk out in the dead of night while they shoot them in the back. Just like they did to the Palestinians when they were stealing Palestine. They destroyed and exiled over 400 villages to create their "utopia". You know, the literal meaning of Zion is Utopia. Wow.

I think they have flown a team in to 'work' on the evacuation of over 25,000 citizens trapped here...many of them actually Lebanese US citizens so does that tell you anything about the rush they are in to do this Radi? Oh sure, there are a few crackers like me but not 25,000. :) So don't hold your breath and I've been in line with Lebanese at the bank and know that I'll probably wait until the closing credits to hop aboard the "air bridge" they are supposedly building. Meanwhile, the Aussies and French and Italians ALREADY EVACUATED. Oh funny isn't it?

I'm laughing sort of.

Mel's sister finally took me up on the offer and now she is with me with her two daughters. The neighborhoods around her are pretty much leveled. The ouzai was hit this afternoon and on the tellie here they were dragging small children out of the debris. So the body count is very inaccurate right now.

This is another JENIN lie in the making you know. Israel twisting all the rhetoric and trying to brainwash people into believing they are the good guys here.

Go to hell all of them and all who support their vile deeds against humanity. Send this letter to everyone and let them send it on and on and on.

All my love

Salaam wa alaikum and hope to write to you again in the a.m.

Ah, I woke up again. How nice. I did tell my husband last night on the phone that I loved him for all time, "just in case". Oh, we knew I'd wake up again...or did we? Well, who really knows when they go to sleep that they will wake up again anyway!

Poor sod. There he is, helpless in Riyadh. He spent four hours in the gym punishing his body so he wouldn't return to his apartment and watch his country and family go up in flames.

Oh well. Life is tough.

MUSLIMS are tougher. You see, God taught us to be tough. Gave us words of encouragement because the plan for this planet is much bigger than eighty martyrs or eighty thousand.

Much, much bigger.

I want to extend my personal gratitude to Zionists and their supporters for helping to unify two groups I never thought could unite.

The Sunni-Shi'i divide is closing.
Photo Exhibition of Past Israeli Crimes Against Humanity, War Crimes, and basically, evidence suggests, crimes against their souls, crimes against the One God who created all twelve tribes (which, btw, includes the Ismaili tribe...or didn't they tell you our group was one of the ones which Moses split the rock open to pour out twelve streams of water to?) and just plain crimes agains the sanity of all peoples who are apparently quite insane or quite weak or quite enslaved to something which has enslaved or perhaps, just too plain ignorant to read news with a sense of morality and decency.

Israel on parade:


And some very nice notes about the mistranslations of the Iranian president who refers to Shoah business for what it is.



Well, war is weird. Second time around is even more weird. You somehow think you never will do "that again" but there you go again. Bound to Happen is a poem about exactly that sort of thing and it can be found on this blog. Shadenfreude in the City is also here on this blog as are many of the all time greatest hits of my little war zone.

I was up at the store a little while ago, listening as I walked with my great big beautiful speckled German pointer dog, to Joni Mitchell's California on my wonderful little iPod that is quite useful to filter out the sounds of pounding Israeli missiles. And let's get this straight, Israel doesn't give a rat's arse about those two POWs we have. As is their usual, they were looking for an opportunity and baiting all the time. Over the past several months they have killed innocent people in the south who were out in their fields culling tobacco and recently abducted a Lebanese citizen. This has been going on for an ever you know (besides the CONSTANT violations of our airspace) but because you don't see pictures of Lebanese children laying in nicely appointed bomb shelters (like the ones you are seeing hopefully on CNN depicting the poor Israelis who are just "quaking" in their little boots) YOU just don't pay attention! The reason you don't see that is because the Lebanese are too poor to build bomb shelters. Their country is literally too poor to clean up its trash properly. Children here are often barefoot and hungry. While Israeli girls and boys sleep.

You people just don't care. That is obvious. America is one sad place if you ask me. New Orleans...to think I wanted to DONATE money to that disaster. And exactly what has New Orleans done for us over here?

Anyway, just rambling and thinking I best roll down the aluminum covers on the windows so they don't shatter. They've been pummelling the hell out of us this afternoon. Everything is on fire and the whole city smells as if it were a burnt match. So I went up to the store and saw this man that sells us "power" in the form of 10 amps/$50/month. It was so nice to have his services a few weeks back when the fourth motor I've had in a year bit the dust. I was SO relieved. He was just standing there at the little dekhena (tienda en espanol) and leaning on something, looking very Bogart like.

After he left, the shop keeper looked at me with her weary old eyes and said "50!" And I said, "Yes, and it will 'go up'" (of course I used the word 'itla' which is 'go up' instead of inflation since I don't know the word for inflation or the word for the black markets of war).

I just wanted to keep this as a note to remind myself to write his story and of listening to California....all the streets are filled with strangers....la dee da dee da...boom boom boom.

Israel. Horrible people who live there, work there and sleep there all nervous about the things they've done to others.

I hardly blame them.

Well (redacted)..everything is for a 'reason' you know. Israel getting too big for its BREACHES OF HUMAN RIGHTS WITH THAT OLD WALL OF WARSAU THEY'VE BUILT TO REMIND THEM OF WHERE THEY CAME FROM and US sitting decoy in Iraq...do these people realize what kind of misery they've embarked upon?

Who knows. They say the Iwo Jima is going to try to dock close to Beirut but that is probably pie in the sky idealism hahaha to quell the bellyachers at the embassy. I don't want to go and in fact probably won't...worse comes to worse I'll stay behind and send off my genetic code and value system to the world beyond via Syria or somewhere else...seems a friend of mine that I lost touch with (had a nasty falling out with her over Islam and such...she was getting fanatical but she was right!)...anyway...she was part of my miracle six months ago and popped into our life again in the oddest way, a DAY after I said to my husband I needed to get in touch with her to 'solidify' our faith and friendship...well...she sent her three young boys here for the summer...her husband in Saudi with mine pooping their pants and no one to evacuate those little guys all under the age of ten. Well...if it must be, I'll use my three to evacuate her three as mine are practically adults. I'll do my best to stay behind and protect my property and mind my animals. You know, it is traditional that one family member MUST stay in the residence to avoid the squatter problem and this time...the buck stops with me.

Oh well. I'm READY to meet my maker. Willing and able. And I've got terrific first aid skills. I wish it wasn't so but you know (redacted)...we all know it is. We know Israel wasn't supposed to happen...go ask the fundamentalist Jews...they know it too and NEVER agreed to the formation of Israel. Go tell that to that yahoo Tim Smith who thinks Israel is so horribly beaten down. Let them all and I mean ALL burn in hell for all eternity. They deserve it and they have been promised exactly that in the Quran if they don't behave. And it seems, they haven't behaved for over 50 years locally and longer worldwide.


All my best buddy....keep the faith.

I'm good.



The Rogue State Of Israel and their "public service announcements"

BEIRUT: Israel carried out its most extensive attacks on Lebanon in at least a decade on Thursday, clamping a tight air and sea blockade and carrying out devastating air strikes in different parts of the country that killed at least 50 civilians a day after Hizbullah captured two Israeli soldiers. The Lebanese resistance group fired at least 80 rockets at around 20 northern Israeli towns, killing two and sending at least 43 people to hospital, many for "shock."

Israeli officials said Hizbullah also launched rockets at Haifa, Israel's third-largest city, which was considered as a "major, major escalation" by Israel's ambassador to the US.

Hizbullah denied having fired rockets at the Israeli seaport, but had earlier threatened to strike Haifa if Beirut or its southern suburbs were hit.

Israel intends to "break" Hizbullah, Defense Minister Amir Peretz announced late Thursday after at least one rocket landed in Haifa.

As The Daily Star went to press, Israel had begun attacks on Hizbullah's stronghold in Beirut's southern suburbs. An AFP correspondent said at least four loud explosions had been heard in the area.

Israel, which has not ruled out ground operations in Lebanon, had warned its northern neighbor to evacuate all residents from the southern suburb area where Hizbullah's leader, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah is believed to live.

Earlier in the day, Israel's justice minister suggested that Nasrallah was a target for assassination and said Hizbullah would be struck "wherever its members gather."

Late Thursday, Israeli warplanes dropped leaflets across Lebanon warning residents to stay away from any areas where Hizbullah is active.

"Due to the terrorist activities carried out by Hizbullah, the Israeli Army will continue its work within Lebanese territories for as long as it deems fit to protect Israeli citizens," the leaflets read. "For your own safety and because we do not wish to cause any more civilian deaths, you are advised to avoid all places frequented by Hizbullah.

"You should know that the continuation of terrorist activities against Israel will be considered a double-edged sword for you and Lebanon."

The leaflets were signed "The State of Israel."

Meanwhile, Israeli Justice Minister Haim Ramon said Hizbullah had nowhere to hide.

"Hizbullah is a target wherever it is located in Lebanon - in Tripoli, in Beirut, in every place it is a target," he said.

And Israel's army chief, Dan Halutz, refused to rule out any targets in Lebanon from attack, saying the military was prepared to continue its offensive for as long as necessary.

"Nothing is safe. It is as simple as that," he said. "Our field of action is very large and our actions diverse. We have the green light from the government."

Israel says it will rain Tuesday so it will.
Here, the weather-girls are more about glamour,
because in Lebanon we know it will rain
sooner or later just don't know when
and want to look good when it does.
But Israel knows! They have balloons
up in the sky and yesterday, at the school
for retarded kids an F-16 signed
the bright, blue warm-front sky,
the surf was still a pretty mirror;
the waves hadn't conducted a weather report
of lapping generously at the kiln-y rocks
the ones DISplaced there without reason,
the disjointed buildings still disrepairing
to the sea and the sea wrecks
that must be there.The rebar girders
jut out of ocean front property of lichen
splotched war rubble, the smooth stones and trash,
all the salty modern shrapnel.
All of it there in a calm loaminess.
Tuesday, it will rain. We all agree on that one.
Rogue State Israel Continues Crimes Against All Humanity

Forget the USS Liberty. Oh yea, remember that one? When Israel dive bombed a US ship...oh, never mind that. After all, face it America, the Zionists OWN you. They've occupied your senate and your house. They control all of your presidents and have divided you against one another.

They OWN you. Wake up and smell the matzo.

Israel has literally built walls to imprison an entire population which they continue to starve, mutilate, humiliate, murder, rape, corrupt and torture on a DAILY basis. And what is America doing about it?

nothing. absolutely nothing.

What does America do when someone TRIES to do something about these horrendous thieves, murderers and criminals who call themselves Israel? Oh, well, they side with the bad guy who stole land over fifty years ago using terrorism, murder, rape and the creation of refugees.

Zionism is EVERYONE'S problem you see. Apartheid was part of it and apparently, Apartheid is in good health.

So check this out. They have three POWs in Arab hands. Well, they have THOUSANDS of Arab POWs but you see, the Zionists have convinced the entire world that THEY are the good guys and anyone who is against them is either a Nazi or a Terrorist.

How wonderful. Well, like the Quran says...you make your plans and God makes other plans.

Personally, I can't wait to see these people at the gates of HELL.



Oriental Storms


What would be good here is to sleep through the hierarchy
let it rip open by itself and all alone in itself
without me to introduce it to my voice, the sleep one
which chatters into the nonsense of nonwaking, the miracle
of losing touch next to the boulder breathing, cat purring
the whizz of appliances at night, snap of the clocks each
per room divided into the drops of faucets and drains,
each passing unnoticed falls into the curvature of a steady building
on this precipice near the sea of hidden color.


buzz drip drop whizz galore
a symphonic clause of night
the cat bats around a piece of plastic
the wind rattles the big metal door
occasionally a jet removes itself
the anxious boarded people sit strapped
if only one could see them there
praying good lord praying
don't fall into the sea, don't drop
the wind rattles entire shackled tenements
runs in a river through the shafts
chimneys full of air until the glass
shakes like a fun house mirror
lightning over in the west
part of it from Istanbul some of it
having touched the Hagia Sofia
where the cistern serves water
to the dead, the big door arched
over one thousand kings and consorts
and the small side doors for the poor.
Cisterns and drains, the same.


Just back from Turkey eh?
Food was great. We spent Saturday waiting in the car
for the business men. Against the law she said
for covered women to enter the government buildings!
Yes I said, that was Kemal Ataturk's business.
We sat up in the hotel bar, we could see everything
but not the Bosphorus, stood near the double bridge
Asia and Europe, you did? Couldn't enter the mosque
because we'd just had sex at the hotel and a drink
but that is a tourist attraction anymore I said
she didn't know nor did she know
to buy a ticket to see St John's arm encased
in a golden jacket, absconded with by the Turks.
Five days of eating at restaurants.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained.


buzz drip drop whizz galore
the whizz of appliances at night
the cistern talks to the bottom
of the catacomb
each eye closed for a time to the miracle
of losing touch
another jet to Istanbul on takeoff
the wind whips the big metal door
the heater off and cold
and out there, the sea without a color
under lightning, under these oriental storms.


The Tenuous Night of the Universe Recorded

The real animals know the time
as night falls into the right places.
The bats swoop, visionaries

to the universe outside the damp caves
they cling to in the daylight hours
where they seek the solace of the blind.
Wet lizards mimick the perpetual hymn
of the stars in the charm
of the dog's pleasant serenades at dusk.

This is the sound of the worlds'
random spins shining one upon the other.
Who knows how many days there make eons!

Long ago, the moon surpassed
the sun, overlapped
the generations of stars and starlight
near the prowl of the night kin
who tell their story so very well.


Ode To God Tricks

There we were with scraps
of dog and puddles of poodles,
Mike and Sassy, Maxi then Arrow.
Hunters and loiterers, one and all.
One for the pope and one for me
I used to say remember,
never eat the prey.
Never, never. Never eat the prey.
One for you and one for me.
Out you go, in you stay.
(Appalachian Trixie looked like Satan,
now it's Iblis and a place called Peyton.)
Under the table with a scowl and then
hunt with the birds, bounce real tall!
Pieces of hound on frocks and aprons,
Labrador was a yard up in heaven.
Evil flowers laughed at the experts
dragons and rabbits, morning glories, asters!
All chains and locks, gates with papers:
the Daily Review, a Mule Mountain
Observer. The postman stayed
where the postman should, next
to his boxes, his locks and his latches.
Everyone had one, Tiger and Lucky,
up in the back Sam and BeeBee.
Across the canyon and down
toward the court and knoll, everyone barking
for all the disappearing folk in that town.
Only the pooches knew the proper nouns.

**Ah yes. And how is it the Kennedy Assassination is still a crime scene but the tomb isn't?
I mean, you had a missing body and in another area, a guy turns up either hanged by his own hand or fallen down and eviscerated in a field he bought with thirty pieces of silver he earned by what, turning in his teacher? Now come on now! Treat the situation like a crime scene, as much as you would that knoll and read the gospels. You'll see what I mean.

So much for the Universal Observer theories of astrophysics! What good are those.


Consulting With Shell Oil, Wackenhut and the Fingerprints

[75:0] In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
[75:1] I swear by the Day of Resurrection.
[75:2] And I swear by the blaming soul.
[75:3] Does the human being think that we will not reconstruct his bones?

[75:4] Yes indeed; we are able to reconstruct his finger tip.

[75:5] But the human being tends to believe only what he sees in front of him.
[75:6] He doubts the Day of Resurrection!

[75:7] Once the vision is sharpened.

[75:8] And the moon is eclipsed.
[75:9] And the sun and the moon crash into one another.
[75:10] The human being will say on that day, "Where is the escape?"
[75:11] Absolutely, there is no escape.
[75:12] To your Lord, on that day, is the final destiny.
[75:13] The human being will be informed, on that day, of everything he did to advance himself, and everything he did to regress himself.
[75:14] The human being will be his own judge.

[75:15] No excuses will be accepted.

Muhammad Forbidden From Explaining the Quran

[75:16] Do not move your tongue to hasten it.
[75:17] It is we who will collect it into Quran.
[75:18] Once we recite it, you shall follow such a Quran.
[75:19] Then it is we who will explain it.

[75:20] Indeed, you love this fleeting life.
[75:21] While disregarding the Hereafter.
[75:22] Some faces, on that day, will be happy.
[75:23] Looking at their Lord.
[75:24] Other faces will be, on that day, miserable.
[75:25] Expecting the worst.
[75:26] Indeed, when (the soul) reaches the throat.
[75:27] And it is ordered: "Let go!"
[75:28] He knows it is the end.
[75:29] Each leg will lay motionless next to the other leg.
[75:30] To your Lord, on that day, is the summoning.
[75:31] For he observed neither the charity, nor the contact prayers (Salat).
[75:32] But he disbelieved and turned away.
[75:33] With his family, he acted arrogantly.
[75:34] You have deserved this.
[75:35] Indeed, you have deserved this.
[75:36] Does the human being think that he will go to nothing?
[75:37] Was he not a drop of ejected semen?
[75:38] Then He created an embryo out of it!
[75:39] He made it into male or female!
[75:40] Is He then unable to revive the dead?

*Circa: A very long time before the X Files, I'll tell you that. Round 1400 lunar years or so.

How is it that we are in the darkness really and the day is just a bit of short term light?


Forgiveness and Forgetfulness

Once it was that I stole the diary of a Job.
His case was interesting and the margins
held the most exciting parts of the problems.
Toward the end of his life his certainties
grew fainter than the ink in which
the best of it was written plus numerous
dialogues pertaining to the coma.
A very long time indeed he lay sleeping,
practically all of his life for sure.
At last there were possessions to be divvied
and spite to be had in the name
of his well known polygamies and infatuations.
This Job loved women or so he thought.
He loved books and movies, light and statues.
There was a fondness for food and temptation.
As a thief however, I cannot remain blameless
so I promised to write a dedication
to all that this Job might be or was.
Human. All too human and not the best prophet.

*Alas, it is sometimes a mystery where things go and where they come from. Mostly, they are not my own but come from the Sustainer and Creator but this one is definitely mine. I own it and know that some things and some people deserve the last chances even if it isn't me that needs to offer it to them. Those offers come from On High. Never too late to apply you know. It is hard I know, to understand this thing. It isn't meant for everyone. Allah knows though what lurks in the hearts of men and women...closer than your own jugular they say.
The Jealousy of Heavenly Bodies

The moon is not sacred anymore
because we touched her, brought her down;
put her in glass boxes and distrusted
her wise old ways. It wasn't enough
to struggle in her skin
nor to clothe her precious nudity
with the banner of our king.
Sure, it was all in good fun
but everyone knew it
might be the sun we were after
and the light from the darkest of seas.

from D. Whitehead, The Book of Warnings

Ought to appear next to this old thing:

What About Mars?

No more problems says the package
the cure came in, no more
warning labels and the price tag
no longer legible. It began
with flashy children and fast cars
then people started talking
about the remains
after the relocations,
wondered what would happen
to the crystal ball and Japanese flag.
Where to put Mars now?
Whose house next?


The Nightingales

You know, death follows me around like a wet mitten. My last death counseling sequence ended a month ago with the death of the comotase old lady who was injured by her neighbor's car while she bent down gardening. Oh, I tried with that family to just 'let her go' but they wouldn't. Okay then. Not my fault and then after she died, her granddaughter called me and gave me the best news: It was exactly as you said it would be.

There is no better compliment to a nurse. Nurses have the power to see into the future of death in many instances and chart the way through the final corridors because we traipse along through them so often carrying this and that and the other thing. Diapers to syringes, broths and electric paddles, and of course, marching orders called DNRs (Do Not Resusitate).

So I met my next guest about a month ago. Oh, we didn't know what was about to occur when we so gleefully set out to 'teach me' Arabic together (yes it was a cooperative effort as all teaching/learning cases are). It was all so innocent back then. Four weeks of pure bliss in which I did my homework on schedule and my teacher knew exactly what I needed next. There was absolute trust.

Then his wife got lung cancer. Oh, I knew right away it was a sign...but the teacher did not. He was in a fog of hope and illusion. "It can't be," to which I countered, "perhaps it is not." Then "It is," to which I countered "I know."

I reminded him yesterday about his hopes and refused the lesson he offered me. I knew he was not much of a teacher any more. More like a lost child and trying hard not to cry all the time. Anyway, for some crazy reason this man gave me the miracle I'd always hoped would come without any 'hard labor' in a matter of four weeks...and I can now read Arabic. Not perfectly but pretty damn good for a month old endeavor. I'm already more indebted to him that he can ever know because now I can actually see words written in the Quran in their truest forms. I can never pay him back for that, if only he knew!

So yesterday, I turned away our notebooks and told him that we needed to talk. You see, last month he had no Lord and told me he was a "scientologist". This month he yelped at the accusation of Lordlessness to which I said, "Good. I thought so." At the end of that lesson I went home feeling as if I had bruised his soul, caused more injury than good in taking the biggest of risks with this newest witness to 'great dying' as are all future widows and widowers. I had only done that in order to treat that which is untreatable: death. I only wanted him to go to her in the UK because I know that when one person dies, so do many, in their hearts. To treat a patient in one country and his counterpart in yet another is impossible. You see, my teacher hates death and doesn't want to see it and has sent his love to better climes to try to save the day. He voluntarily split up the patient. I knew why I finally had decided to learn Arabic after some twenty five years of living with it. It was because I will always need more opportunities to help someone out when at last they understand they need it.

The next day however, yesterday, my teacher called me. He cried and promised to reconsider rejoining his other half in order to give her her last rites, those of final important witnessing to their days together which are surely to come to an end very soon. Just as my teacher had decided suddenly to revive his belief in the afterlife, he decided to reconsider facing death by going to hold her hand in the UK while she waits to leave this life. That wait can be such a long one and isn't it for us all! Personally, I think they are lucky to have had the warning so that they could plan the steadier course. Not everyone gets that chance you know.

Why me? Why not me? I've been to death's door so many times now and know where they hide the keys, most of them anyway except perhaps, my own.

All nurses who are good at their jobs do this kind of thing day to day but all you hear about is the pain and suffering and bedpans. In truth, nurses are the best anchorites and never ever can you pay them enough for what it is they help another to carry. It is what I miss most about being a full time nurse. For now, I'm just lucky enough to once in a while be able to volunteer.


Crime Night

Ah, this week is a blogorama. You see, I’ve had some problems lately with my internet service. As is the usual, the service was bad. Home delivery awful and the pizza always cold. I had to go to the competition but it has taken a bit o' time to get my new receiver set up. So now I’m on an eating binge. I’ve been out reading all sorts of things and looking for a new home for my thoughts. Now that the JD is part of the past, I want to be somewhere else and don’t we all! A nice place. A place with smart folks. A place that allows freedom and encourages same. Just like the JD but not the JD. If such a place exists (which I don’t think it does but one never knows). All the while I’ve had this nagging question in the back of my mind….partly because I’ve been watching Crime Night on TV too much in lieu of logging into all the usual JD things.

Crime Night is on Discovery Channel and my daughter stays up way past her bedtime to watch it. Things like Forensic Detective peopled by folks who enjoy employment in such positions as “Blood Splatter Expert” and “Footprint Criminologist”. So many thoughts come to mind while I’m watching these shows. First and foremost is, Man…are people ever messed up! Luckily, here in the “Islamic” countries, we don’t have all that much senseless murder. Oh sure..there is the odd “Honor Killing” and once in a while we have an abduction of a teenage boy…but really…it cannot compare statistically to what I see happening in the West and in Europe. What we have is the frequent intersectarian crime or spy crimes and the all popular Syrian Beat Fests. And Syrian Murders in which unfortunate Syrians are bludgeoned just because some people resent the fact that Syrians have been enjoying way too much Lebanese Pie. You know..the Lebanese Pie can only be divided in so many ways. Sadly these guys are usually poor immigrant workers.

Back to my nagging question…..and an odd question it is. In Islam, there is this concept that when you go to “Judgement Day”, your hands and feet will “testify against you”. Now, back in the old days when I was just knee high to a gracehoper, my husband used to explain to me that any body part that was involved in committing a crime would actually be burnt in the fire of Hell and remain scorched even if you actually made it to Paradise as a whole. Now I got this idea of all these saints with eschar on them running around with their brocade robes and such up in heaven. Well….times have changed and it finally occurred to me the truth about what the Quran suggested in the seventh century of the Common Era…notably a time much before we ever imagined such things as serial killers and shows like America’s Most Wanted. Way before Louis Pasteur debunked “Germ Theory” and way before we knew that the male zygote is responsible for gender selection (which the Quran clearly states is the case for what it calles the male ‘nutfa’ or semen, the despicable fluid that contains the sperm cells).

How will our fingers and hands testify against us? Well, Crime Night tells you so often enough so I’ll just let you assume you understand the drift but I will give you one example of the notion of fingerprints and their absolute individuality as it occurs in the Quran (although there are many references I’ll just cite one):

Sura 36: Ya Seen, verse 12

Surely we give life to the dead,
And when we write down what they have sent
Before and their footprints?
And we have recorded everything in a clear writing.

Well…I’ll be. That is what that was all about. You know…there is never an end to the wonders of that book. Never an end to the tangents. And trust me...the theme of 'your body testifying against you' is a very, very strong one in the Quran and in the Hadith.

And guess what? Fourteenth century Persia. Fingerprints used because...well...because Allah said to use fingerprints. To be fair, the ancient art of 'palm reading' and using the hands to divine the nature of an individual's fate is also evident in ancient China and in India. The best can be said of those ancient technologies however is that they were akin to personal astrology and we all know how reliable those are! It was the Persians who stated that no two are the same and it was the Babylonians who used prints to conduct business transactions using this truly individualized 'signature'. Amen.


And for some tidbits about the ancient Chinese/Indian techniques:


And finally, to the Conspiracy Theorists in us all.....Allah has a plan and "they" have a plan. One of those plans was to make you believe that the "State" was assigning you a personal ID number or a thing they could shoot into your neck to "finger you" in a crime against, of course, the state.
Well I got news for you. Allah already took care of that. He'd like credit now for that.
Can Leonard Gontarek write a bad poem? I mean, can he write something that one is unable to cherish? A poem that fails to amuse? One that slips up a bit in the diction? Or rather, can he please stop writing poems because it just ain't fair. People shouldn't be able to write poems like this. These poems that he has learned and shares are the poems of the ancients via the modern sensibilities called: media and the other five plus the heart and soul. That makes about eight and any poet with eight senses ought to be thrown out of town.

Here is an excerpt from a poem called

i w i l l r e a d a f e w o f t h e s e t o s e e i f t h e y e x i s t

...The revolution will be shown without sound.
The war is over so we protect the reasons for it.
Our dreams are troubled by murders from movies.
This revolution will come with more beautiful imagery.
I have answers to all your questions. Are you talking to me?
I was kicked out. It was quite a ceremony, solemn, stark:
bells, chants, roses in winter, incense, the door opening.
Creaking gate of Purgatory. The Master wiping away a small tear,
dust of centuries. My ass smarted for a week.


Now, let me just tell you this, you could extract any line from just about any poem of his and find a *nougat in there. It isn't hard and one doesn't need to be a high falutin poetry priest to chew these delicacies and in fact, you don't even need teeth. Eyes help and I do wonder if poets ever think to have their chapbooks put into Braille for the less fortunate sightless peoples. I'll bet the blind love poetry more than those who can see.

Here for instance in the opening line of a poem called Life On Earth

"I was afraid the hearse passing would make you sad."

Now come on now...that is just so simple and pure isn't it? The poem itself is one of the weaker yet it still manages to grip at the neck and ask you, Isn't this what things look like? When Mr. Gontarek says in his poem Amnesty this:

Your ex-girlfriend leans over & kisses you in the coffin.

....you believe him. Amnesty goes on to say this too:

Two clean college kids “for Christ” banged on my door like angry mailmen.

You have the wrong house. I knew right away that was not the smart thing to say.

There are no wrong houses when it comes to Jesus.

I’m Buddhist. Christ accepts everyone.

I am not exactly depressed, just a little sad.

Trace the tattoo on your arm or leg, if you have an idea of what I’m talking about.

When the earth & snow is apricot for seconds & your dreams fall fast as water

Out the window, wouldn’t you say in the middle of that uncontestable joy, is sorrow,

Like a metal sliver? Wouldn’t you say a sign with a couple letters out

Makes you sad. You could say those women eating snow in a racy manner

Is sad, but you wouldn’t. I can’t explain. I follow the lovely wild horses

With my eyes. They become lost in the shadow of mountain & then, darkness.

I love the way that happens. But who can be certain, when it comes to imagery.

...so the poem becomes what we call, Self Conscious. Happy within itself, discussing itself as if itself was the whole reason the world revolved. Man this guy is good and if I lived in America, I'd buy each and every one of his books. I'd do that and al'ham'du'lillah for the internet. Where would I be without it?

You can find Mr. G at his own site here:
