
Armageddon in a Nutshell

On condition of anonymity, I will relate
the news of this earth from early to late.
As such, without the presence of semen or sperm
and much more complex than a germ
was created man. His name was Adam
which in some respects can be spoke
means bone and Eve means something
which sounds like the wind.
He begat and begat, praising the Almighty
until his death at a hundred and ninety.

Then came the ark and Josh and Lot,
near the Dead Sea still filled with the salt
of all the brazen and broken citizens
of Sodom, all the ashes and memories
near backdoors and ruins,
still charred and still movin
amongst the shadows and stewin'.

Up near China lived an old man named Buddha
who'd roll in his grave if he thought he knew ya.
But wait a minute, I forgot to mention Gunga Din
his bad breath could cut down one hundred men.
Then there's all the Supermen and Women
who graced newspapers during plagues and famines
not one of them was capable of damnin'.
I must mention before I forget, to caution
the humble and prevent all that regret:

the sea is quite deep and the rivers quite long,
but this unfortunately, is the end of my song.

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