
Yes Rachel Corrie, there is a Palestine:

Palestinians are Nobody's Negroes


"Until the time comes when Israel assumes moral responsibility for what it has done to the Palestinian people, there can be no end to the conflict". The late Edward Said

One of the main problems with a "Jewish" state was pointed out to me by my as usual moderate and wise old husband Mel. He said that when such a thing exists, it will create a precedent for other ethnically homogenous groups to declare their own right to an exclusive state. For example, a state for the Serbs, a state for the Kurds and what the heck, a state for the majority Mexican population of Southern Arizona. It is not only dangerous but it is wrong, especially when population densities have grown to such large numbers that extracting certain members from the company of other members is possible only through oppression, violence and theft:

025.014 Call not that day for one destruction, but call for many destructions!

Call for the destruction of tyranny and greed because that is the SCARECROW mentality of a the 51st State known to most as "Israel".

The truth of the matter is this however, Zionism is dying a natural death because its supporters have grown old, died or are in comas (Sharon...dead or alive?). The natural hope of those members who are still living is that the next generation will have an actual claim to the land that they "were born in" and will be willing to keep up this outrageous fight.

I however think that they won't keep up this outrageous fight because people get very tired of Armageddon you know. People just want to live.

When I say "Death to Israel", I mean, Death to Israeli Policy. It is a stain on the history of man, an idea that should never have materialized save for the fact that it gave the world a reason to ponder over themselves, Islam and their relationship to Allah. For that reason alone I guess it has been a worthwhile experiment but accent is on the word experiement. It didn't work. And it will find its own natural end be it through another foolhearty war with Hezbollah or via the good acts of alot of Jewish people who are tired of being associated with the vile conduct of the Israeli government and military.

"Anyone who leaves out that second half of the description is being as deceptive as the early Zionists who pretended Palestine was a land without a people, and the current Zionists who pretend the underlying cause of a century of conflict is "terrorism", or some genetic defect in Palestinian people, or something inherent to Islam, rather than the century-long project to create a sectarian state in Palestine."

"The PLO rejects the notion that Israel is a virtual "Jewish state" in which certain people who've never set foot there have more rights than others who were born there to families that have always lived there. It offers instead a comprehensive peace and regional normalization to the state of Israel as it actually exists in the real world. If this is not enough, if Zionism cannot settle for an Israel on 78 per cent of historic Palestine and with a population that is 80 per cent Jewish, then Israel will never be at peace, and it will be Zionism's own greed and self-absorption that makes it so. "

A couple of "old" poems that I wrote when nobody cared about the word Niggeritis and Reader's Digest was still a man's best friend:

Posted: Wednesday, December 28, 2005

The Nightclubs and Restaurant Reviews,
The Vacation Destinations,
Without the Word:

The road to Mecca is dry
the mountains near Taif
angular, unforgiving.
Baboons scurry in front
of the car, begging for handouts -
most of them maimed in some way
hit by cars. In Oz, they could fly.

A dozen kilometers or so
from our destination we pass
under a giant concrete book
in awe of human ingenuity.
Hardened pages spread
over two gray lanes.
I wonder: Can I go here?
The signs warn of dangers
outside the Emerald City.
The wizard has concocted
and created a disturbing motto:

Infidels, those of us who don't believe
a highway sign might
sentence one to Hell for all eternity,
turn back at once

Dorothy, go home.

I've the green document
that says I can do this,
I won't be arrested.
I'm wearing these white sheets,
yet somehow I don't believe.
I doubt that Mecca knows my name.

Inside the rocky town
most people never see,
a Pizza Hut stands catercorner
to the prize. Over there,
a Five Star Hotel under construction.
The castle doors are all the same,
angels guarding every single direction.
We leave our plastic shoes
near the most conspicuous looking one and go in,
barefoot and murmuring in a thousand voices.

Seven times around the Kaaba,
we circle drenched in the sweat
of others, the crimes we all bear.
The malodorous throng contracts on one corner
hands reaching for a meteorite.

I the imposter
have entered the holy precinct
with Arid Extra Dry,
I've Hanes Her Way
under these plain clothes.

We run for common water
we run like Hajar,
the Generous Stone.
looking for that substance

from which we are all made
decanted into plastic containers,
from one of the twelve
original tribal wells.
This one is ours.

Zam Zam! Our shoes disappear,
picked up by a stranger,

here the shoes all look the same.

Mecca is for the believers-

this is where you go
to find yourself,
stone the devil himself
and why not?
Signs are only signs.

An Explanation of the word: Niggeritis

Some words cannot be spoken,
written, referred to, carried out,
plagiarized or otherwise utilized.
Simply put, we must discriminate.

I've got niggeritis.

Realizing this,
I appointed myself to the Nigger Watch.
A declaration was made,
I am the muslim Nigger,
I am watching you like you watch me,
watching you at the fountainheads
of language.

Please explain this niggeritis.

No problem I say, Constance wouldn't mind.
Constance with her big white teeth
and her big white name.
She and I had an understanding
about that sort of thing.

Niggeritis is a feeling.

"You've got what?"
I said that just as we stepped
gingerly over the concrete barriers
in a parking lot, the kind that slam
into car bumpers when you least expect it.


It was two o'clock, lunchtime.
It was hot. We'd been working hard,
together in the ICU,
in our pure and white uniforms.
Some days are like that in a hospital.

Constance, I asked, what is this Niggeritis?

I felt so very white, so white
next to this African Canadian
with niggeritis,
so very ignorant from a colorless
redneck town. Where's the red?

Niggeritis comes from Africa.

She opened her big wide mouth,
the one that got her into trouble
most of the time, that one
with big white teeth and explained:

Niggeritis is nigger laziness.

Can I have it?
I'd like some of that.
In the end though,
I found out I can't have niggeritis
unless I am a nigger.

So I decided, in light

of being an Islamofascist

in some people's eyes,
in their carelessly chosen rhetoric,
to be a new kind of nigger.
So now I can say nigger,
as much as I want.
People generally don't like it,
but you know,
we niggers don't care.


Anonymous said...

Great post. LofC is a well-read and very effective polemicist.

(OT: Colombian coffee is my favorite; I might just have to steal that .jpg from ya!)

Carmenisacat said...

Thanks and I stole it from someone else so steal away!

It's almost as good as my old refridgerator magnet that said:

"Desserts is Stressed spelled backwards."
