
Love Islamic Style


The greatest love story ever told and all the tremendous details of the birth of a woman from the seed of the apple of Eden where Eve had "no navel" (James Joyce).

Her husband's elegy:

"O the Prophet of Allah salam upon you from me and your daughter who is being buried near to you and who has joined you so soon. O the messenger of Allah, the passing away of your daughter has lessened my patience and I have lost my energy and power. After having endured your separation I have to bear this catastrophe also so patiently. I laid you down in the grave with my own hands; your soul departed from your body while your head was lying between my neck and heart. 'Surely we belong to Allah and to Him we shall return'. (Fatimah) was a trust (entrusted to me) and a souvenir that is taken back from me. Now my sorrow grief and pain is eternal, lasting and overwhelming. It has left me with sleepless nights till Allah chooses for one Realm where you abide. Soon your daughter will inform you that how your Ummah made alliance to ill-treat and oppress her. You ask her the details of what all has happened to her, even though neither a long period passed away after your departure nor people stopped from talking about you. My farewell salam upon both of you (You and Your daughter) not such a salam which is from sad and weary heart (it is from sincere heart which loved and will always love you both). If I go back from (this place) it is not because I am tired of your company; and if I make a permanent abode by your grave it will not be because I am distrustful and suspicious from that reward which Allah has promised with those who bear sorrows patiently".


Ah...if we could all appreciate a love like that. Some of us actually do.

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