
Promises promises promises. Yes...Francie's story is not over. She was the Maid of Honor (and I mean honor) at my famous wedding. There were few witnesses that day. Before that point is achieved however we must venture some into the tales of the Lebanese community of Douglas and the flash point that became so many other things involving the court system, the Civil War in Lebanon (and just WHO came up with that misnomer! a Civil war...what kind of war is that!) and on and on like that. Just like the old days when you'd wait for the end of the story and Paul Harvey wouldn't give it to you. One of my favorite Paul Harvey's is the one about the guy who disables a nuclear disaster...a young man. Who, at The End Of The Story turns out to be?

Jimmy Carter.

It is that kind of story but the story is Neverending...so it seems. And the wait is truly long. I usually tell it so fast that the important tangents are missed and I do not want to skip a beat this time. Not a single one. Francie, where are you? You were there that day 25 years ago...yes. You were there.


ozymandiaz said...

Man, i haven't listened to Paul Harvey, well, since he died I guess.

Carmenisacat said...


I've not either but I have a copy of the great little The End of the Story. So much in that little book.

LIKE, Operation Xray and the fact that the US armed forces established a squadron of suicide bombers to drop down on Japan and blow themselves up in the name of freedom, etc. It was abandoned because one of the guys on training burned up an airfield....or it is suggested...because the US had its hands on the A bomb.

Now I promise to get back to that story...right now there is just so much going on....fighting with my two best friends here in Beirut. Resentment raising its ugly head...as it so often does and no one talks about it. Or what it does to friendships.