
Eloquence Found in Trash Can Called Chicago

Thanks to Micheal Rothenberg who kindly remembers me with each new Big Bridge issue, I'd like to suggest further reading for those who are too important to watch TV over at Silliman's house without really knowing why they are there doing so anymore and Ron practicing some form of idealized business communication much like the newest on the scene known as rimming, Reflective Information Management. The following thesis cum essay cum review hails from one Linda Rogers who I know nothing about. I do say though, the woman can write, think and dictate promises to me all she wants to (kicking that ole die hard Perloff right to the curb), promises about the political kingdom come we find ourselves in nowadays. The Cuban story which anymore is the story of dissidentism backwards and from the rear view mirror in poetry which no doubt would please my former colleague and editor Circles Robinson who now runs
The Havana Times (last account anyway) from his home somewhere in Latinia, where he has been exiled for who knows how long. I found this while looking for something about Thax Douglas a troubadour in the highest sense of the word who writes poems for Rock Bands and gets into concerts for free. I happened upon a little Thax chapbook at the thrift store (who on earth would throw out a book of poetry especially from such an underground and persuasive metaphysical metaphorist?)....and began reading through it and imagining all the young boys I've had around lately who would benefit from such a magnificent and humble gift as a first edition signed copy of Rock Band Portraiture from their cougar mamma poet in residence, chief cook and bottle washer too.

The Captivity and Liberation of Language

"I knew a child who lived on the wild side and painted pictures with no borders between his phenomenal and spirit worlds. His only rule was the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

He then encountered an elementary school teacher who moonlighted as a free soul bounty hunter. She would break his spirit and prove that his indigo wisdom and difficulty decoding language was waywardness. By the end of grade one, the boy was drawing heavy lines around every character; this is the church, this is the steeple… "

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