
Mahmoud Ahmadinijad's First State Visit to Lebanon

Marked by Animal Slaughter and other Anti Western (ahem) activities like Ribbon Cuttings and Victory Speeches. The NERVE of those people!


"I'm not even going to reach for a book on my shelf or search Wikipedia to find Islam's connection to animal killing. Instead I'll resort to common sense: human beings kill animals. In English we call them butchers. Not one article bothered to mention that the "sacrificed" camels, with "their long, graceful necks slit open" would actually be eaten afterwards. When it involves Arabs or Muslims, the implication is that they're savages killing merely for the sake of killing." -Mathew Cassel for CASMII Media Watch

This in response to an article in Slate written by one Ruth Ackerman who seems to take delight in not only slanting the news for her own think tank in order to line her pockets with think-tank gold but who probably is a zionist herself. Not much doubt about those people you know....they either are Zionists or work for them and often times they are both.

Alastair Crooke writes in Race for Iran:

The visit was, in fact, a State visit. The Iranian President was formally invited by the Maronite Christian President of Lebanon some while ago. Iran is a prominent regional state, just as Turkey is – whose Prime Minister happens to be visiting Beirut today.

Iran’s popularity on the streets should not surprise anyone. It is real, and it is heartfelt – and extends beyond the Shi’i of the south of Beirut. Having been present here in Beirut throughout the war of 2006, I experienced the almost universal shock at how leaders and so-called ‘friends of Lebanon’ such as Tony Blair and Condoleezza Rice tried to fend-off and delay a ceasefire – in order to allow Israel more time to ‘finish the job’, i.e. to destroy more bridges, more infrastructure and impose civilian casualties – as our ‘price’ to be paid for Hizbullah’s seizure of Israeli soldiers. Feelings here are still raw on this point, and all sectors of opinion know that the only real support for Lebanon in those dark hours came from Syria and Iran. Unsurprisingly, there was a direct element of gratitude in expression to Iran in recent days both for the support then, and its subsequent economic assistance to repair the damage.

Mr. Crooke goes on to describe the importance of the Shi'i philosophy in combating the world-wide sense of oppression that is overwhelmingly present throughout not only the Middle East but in every quarter of the globe:

In May this year, Zbig Brezezinski gave a brief talk at the Council for Foreign Relations (CFR) in Montreal. He told his audience that there were two factors shaping global politics in the world today. The first, he said was that “for the first time in all of human history, mankind is politically awakened and stirring”, adding that “all over the world people were aware of what was happening politically and are “consciously aware of global inequities, inequalities, lack of respect, and of exploitation”.

His second point was that the élites that rule us are less united and more diversified than before (he gave the transition of the G8 into the G20 as example); the élite is both less homogeneous and less restrained by adherence to traditional values and culture; the consequence of this is a more surveilled, and a more controlled society, Brzezinski has written.

When Mahmoud Ahmadinejad or Hassan Nasrallah quote Imam Ali (the son-in-law of The Prophet)’s dictum that Muslims should be the ‘friend of the oppressed; and enemies of the oppressor’, or speak of western ‘double-standards’, New York Times sophisticates may sneer at this talk as ‘all hat and no cattle’; but they simply miss the point.

In short Islam – particularly Shi’i Islam – is taking over the clothes of the European early Renaissance (before the Enlightenment); Islam stands, for many Muslims, for a humanism and a respect for justice, human dignity and defiance of tyranny that Europe once espoused. Of course, few in the West will see it in these terms: they have been too busy creating an inverted mirror image of what they perceive still to be western ‘virtues’ – and call it Iranian ‘theocracy’.

"Elsewhere" in the media (Slate which is run by the Jerusalem Post folks), Christopher Hitchens, the well known pro Zionist athiest takes a break from treatments to treat his throat cancer caused by addiction to booze and cigarettes (not Allah of course) to write a little expose on "how" Hezbollah became the most powerful broker in Lebanon and probably the most powerful broker in the Middle East. He shows no shame in bad reportage, obvious propaganda and innuendo for which he brings forth no supporting evidence (insinuating Hezbollah in the murder of Hariri and not mentioning the fact that Hezbollah has actual evidence of Israeli involvement (surprise-not!) in the 2005 Israeli engineered and executed Valentine's Day massacre of the former prime minister who single handedly had rebuilt Beirut and restored it's international public image. Something Israel really hates is a Middle East with a Good Public Image.

I'll bet he'd fire his doctors if they treated his cancer that way!


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