
The Sea Shell
In this heaven shall they wait and all those
like us for you to pound your fist on the wall
and heave your head upon the concrete, to scrape
your knuckles before digging into your long lost skin?
Like your father listening stupidly to the radio
in this vault of sadness pending, as you tidy
up bank notes and shave for the last mistress,
there were so many things I could have told you.
It isn't love on the verge of the moon's darkest side
that locks those that ponder out of paradise. It isn't
the sound of night as it groans along and takes
out breaths one by one to examine them.
This ultimate secret that poisons the years
bloomed and blustered before it pried open
our mouths and eyes and ears, entered us
through our dreams and premonitions.
News and music and announcers whisper
sweet nothing into the landscape of time,
into the thousand years of study and testing
the ignorant and ugly ear.

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