
 Written by Sam Pakken Bisbee, AZ

His name was Willie Baker
He was a black man ,Nevada State Heavyweight Boxing Champion
It was election time in Bisbee Phil Olander was Shheriff ,he said that he thought that win reelection and resign so Undersheriff Racshilla
(spelling)would become
Sheriff ,,,,,but he wanted
Bisbee to be able to have a fair election .
My father Savo (Sam)
Was recruited from Bisbee Police Department
To campaign for Sheriffs
Department .(Democratic Party).
It was hunting season and we all met at a Barbeque spot behind Eads Construction
Company Phil Olander wes going deer hunting and was leaving the Sheriff's office responsibility to Racshilla and my father (daytime)
Deputy Lugo (nights)
Willie Baker escaped on Deputy Lugos watch ,he ran around Bisbee for 2days and nights (I think ,correct me if wrong)
Olander was gone deer hunting ,Willie Baker broke into the high school and stole some food.
After chasing sightings of him around town for several days and nights he was spotted in the hills behind the current Cochise County Jail,Sheriff's office.
My father Deputy Paken
Had an elephant hunting rifle and fired a warning
shot into the air and yelled
as loud as he could "Come down off that mountain "
Wellie Baker surrendered).
They said he would do 200 push ups at a time in his cell ,when he went to Florence prison, he was boxing other inmates and won all, or most of the time(what I heard) someone threw gasoline in his cell and he burned to death ,i thought he had a twin brother but not verified.
Jim Willison won the election......Olander being out of town during the
"prison escape crsis",,,,
and a " Big Feed"(terminology of that era") ,where everyone got shitfaced drunk at Elmos bar were considered factors in Sheriff Olanders
loss of the election.
So that's what happened ,o know because I wes staying at Pueblo Courts Motel with my father and attending
Bisbee high school.
The Sheriff's and some other police agencies and an occasional local
businessmen would come to the motel for Hawaiian
Barbeques and play Poker
(Sheriff's got an allowance for their vehicles ,owned
and operated themselves)
so any extra money left over from maintenance
financed the poker game
I went out for football and dad would put Horse liniment il my injuries, because he wes an old Horsecav Sgt.
They had a little blackboard and dad would mark it, CQ,,,Confined to Quarters
When I did something wrong and they all had a good laugh at my expense
CQ. Also meant Artic
Circle Burgers for supper
Not T-bone steak and potatoes,,,,,,had to sit home and study ,,,,no coffee and dognut breaks
with Dad and other police officers, agencies.
Anyway that's how I know about this aforementioned incident.
To the best of my Recollection.........

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