
 Happy Fourth of July (almost)

Here's the thing.  About religion.  About Holi-days.  About where we are now as a collection of others who just happen to be born between here...and...there.  A dotted line separates the states and a solid one, nations.  They wouldn't even exist if it weren't for someone one day, a very long, long time ago having a great idea:  the Nation State.  Which was designed by Divine Right distributed by a Divine Entity.  Flash forward to the United States of America.  We got it right alright.  We did it all correctly by removing the Divine from the Rights part and did so on the basis of a few good men who supposedly liked the idea of a Creator enough but just didn't want to get the Creator involved in things that weren't, ?, his "business"...like ownership.  They developed a format that is best described by a Quran thumping academic muslim (I kind of am) as a Polytheistic Nation.  <it won't work either btw....people need 'instructions' you know.  On how to operate and well, there aren't good instructions when it comes to handling these "holi-day" things.  

It gets to the point that those naughty little ideas behind these holi-days start creeping in.  Wait a minute...weren't they already here?  Yes by gum, they were.  They were placed there on a map created to celebrate remnants of yet other holi-times from even further back...this map is called a calendar.  The west uses the most reliable time map of all...solar.  It doesn't vary much at all from year to year and is adjusted by the 6 hour deficit every 4 years and is, entirely secular.  Like it or not and regardless of who you think founded the USA and what their religious preferences were.  

We hard core advocates of time on a much larger scale (the beginning to end scale aka monotheistic creationists) use the lunar.  The Jews are like us although their Time Map is linked to the Metonic cycle (both lunar and solar/19 years long) and historical knowledge of Space Time....an even bigger clock which most likely has roots in what some of us refer to as Milankovich cycles (oh dear, way, way, way out of the scope of this brief explanation on why the 4th of July Parade here in Bisbee AZ is now going to be passing by my house at a much more reasonable hour versus the scorchingly hot 1200 that it used to).

Now why on earth did something called the Rotary Club decide that for the City of Bisbee to get along well with the numerous churches along the parade's pathway they hoped to move the July 4th parade this year from a Sunday to a Monday (what on earth is the Rotary Club...doesn't that have something to do with the advent of Tang and the faked moon landing?)?    Go here and get the new Soros vision:  https://www.rotary.org/en/about-rotary  

It nearly caused a civil war in this town.  Bisbee Arizona IS the Fourth of July.  It is our own personal holi-day.  The kind of day that, blessed be (as the Wiccans say), brings us all home to our kin folk.  It is magical and gosh, puts even the Shinto worshippers of ancestry to shame.  Before I go too far though.....let me tell you why I found this controversy so ridiculous.  It's gonna hurt some but indeed, I hope it helps some to make sense of why the Time Map is going to change the world regardless of what any of us thinks about saying Merry Christmas versus them toppling another statue of some long dead Confederate soldier or Cristobal Columbus.  The Time Map is way more important than the average American Polytheist grasps (yes, America is a Polytheist nation...don't bother to argue with me over that one, you'll lose).

That anyone would think that a church or even a collection of churches (none of those nasty synagogues or mosques in my neighborhood, no sirree) might have a problem with a purely secular parade (is it really a secular holi-day now that you have raised your consciousness a few more degrees?) interfering with, prayer times?  Huh?  Wait a minute.  You mean....no I wouldn't say that.  No....or would I?

Christians do not have prayer times.  Sure, they like to congregate on Sundays but that is a formality, a pagan one (yikes).  I truly hope none of them feel that Church is required 'as such' on a Sunday.  It isn't.  Not even according to their own books (luckily that info has been preserved very well by their forefathers known as the Jews).  Technically speaking....the Sabbath is on Saturday.  It was the Emperor Constantine that issues this edict:  "All judges and city people and the craftsmen shall rest upon the venerable day of the sun. Country people, however, may freely attend to the cultivation of the fields, because it frequently happens that no other days are better adapted for planting the grain in the furrows or the vines in trenches. So that the advantage given by heavenly providence may not for the occasion of a short time perish."

It was literally a FDR move way back before any of us was even a twinkle in the eye of our Etruscan daddies.  Who in the hell do these Bisbee Rotarians think they are anyway?  Geez Louise.  Again, Christians do not have prayer times, they do not have a real Sabbath and they run their show (except for those hold outs at the Roman Catholic diocese who use something called Ordinal Time based on Julian Time which is a very very complicated way of combining fact, fiction, Metonic cycles and solar/lunar intricacies minus the Milankovitch conundrum Aztec time map aside).

Now, truly....don't argue.  If you are a Christian...you do not have proscribed prayer times.  Jews do.  We do.  You don't.  For important reasons that you ought to investigate further.  Also, look into that basic cleansing you do at the front of every Catholic church (no offense intended)...it is your form of ablution because yes, you should.  I mean, be clean to go to church.  All the same, I promise everyone at the Rotary club that reversed this dumb decision they tried to make to be oh so inclusive on the seriously important local Holi-day called the Fourth of July, you did the right thing.  

No one and I mean no one...was going to hang around for an extra day to see a ten minute parade peopled by the nearly defunct Boy Scout troups and Ft. Huachuca honor guard and our dear, dear mayor Ken Budge riding around in someone else's convertible.  No one.  

You almost ruined the single most inclusive and best ever Bisbee Holi-day and maybe just maybe, you need me.  A muslim member to tell you how to avoid ruining Christmas and Thanksgiving too.  It isn't your job so don't do it.

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