
And yes...the Cedar story will continue...its very long you know and a very bad cold going on in my nasal passages. So a few poems in the interim and a gentle cry called release for things gone by this week. Very important things resolve in a matter of seconds sometimes and leave you wondering what all the fuss was about in the first place. The mystery of fuss, the release of captives and the forward flight of our feet into the next days and weeks that become the past even as we are folding the last letter and slipping it into the drawer labelled, "Let go now. It's all over."

And still, Time waits for no one in the final hours before the present disturbs the future with its curious assumptions and prophecies.

1 comment:

ozymandiaz said...

The important thing, perhaps most important, is to not alow the past nor the future to usurpe the now. being present is the greatest gift we have and the greatest respect we can give to what is around us.