
Notes and Addendums to Twenty Five Years.....

Bear with me (Carmen, yer just a cat so I have to explain things to you). Carmen tends to forget things all the time wrapped in the sunshine on a warm spring day in Beirut.

I thought to end this blog now. Why? Because a part of me died last month. The hopeful part. The Shia part is only beginning to make itself known and I was born a Shia. I know that now. I love the underdogs. And just dogs. Even when they bite me and give me pink eye too. Winning comes through perserverence, it is the only way anymore. One must perservere.

In the next few days (to perhaps weeks) I am dedicating this blog to describing how I reached the Cedars of Lebanon. The ones in the Bible or just "Thabible" as Ali and I call it. I could say so many things in the interim and perhaps I will, like 'thabible' which is a relatively unknown Scrabble Term my son and I developed one day and just roared with laughter. Because I call it, thabible and read it now and then. It is a strange book that doesn't really make much sense until you read a few others related to it. I could say that my spice cabinet has things in it like Santa Cruz Chili powder and corn husks AND it has Sumac. It also has camooni which is a beautiful conjoining of cinnamon sticks, peppercorns, cumin, cardamon and rose hips.....makes a most delightful Arizona Chili Food. Personally, I know that between that and my idea to put a paging button on TV remote control devices...I could be relatively wealthy for my inventions. I could market that Camooni and give it a label and be rich by selling the 'mix' to a chain store like Albertson's or Piggly Wiggly...I could get rich. But I'd rather just tell someone to PLEASE go invent a TV remote control device with a pager on it so you can find it in the sofa cushions. You can keep the money. I don't mind. Money is an illusion anyway but a remote control is a reality.

So bear with me and I'll tell you the story of how I met Fred Tarr and stood at the bases of the Cedars in thabible with my hand on my heart saying, Oh My!

Let's get down to business...must be a circus in town what is dis, can I get a witness? - Emenem

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