
Bound and Gagged in a Palestinian Bistro

Now let's see. What is going on in the world of poetry! People taking their clothes off after readings, going from bar to bar to bistro as if that is where poetry comes from. Alas, and the Gaza is now without power or water because why? Oh, because the Palestinians are failing in their DUTY to their oppressor.

Hmm. That has always been the case hasn't it? The world BELIEVES that in the case of Israeli brutality, the oppressed have a duty to their oppressor to PLAY NICE. In fact recently, a friend of mine had the audacity to suggest that he hated religion because it promoted violence and in the same breath explained how he believed Israel always had a dickens of a time "defending" herself. Well sure pal. When you steal land from other people (or their cars or their wallets) and then you stand there slapping them for days on end, they are going to get so angry at you that they might smack you upside the head for your idiocy. Usually, thiefs run away with their prize but in this case, the thief simply chased the owners out of their house and locked the door so the owners couldn't get back in. They called it Israel.

For cryin out loud and poets going from bistro to bistro, trying to get famous as fast as they can.

It is going to take six to eight months to repair the damage to the electrical power plant in the Gaza, nevermind about all the dead that have been piling up without much ado from the American viewing public that is much distracted and now, completely apathetic to it ALL (Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Syria) because let's face it, Americans like naked poets better than they like to read history. Nevermind about the paraplegics and quadraplegics and blinded and burned humans piling up in the Ghettos of Gaza. Nevermind about the loss of some of the best intellect in the Arab world (Palestinians USED to have the highest per capita rate of people holding PhDs anywhere in the world! Bet that's changed now eh?)

Personally, I believe hostage taking (and treating them well) is part of war. It is expected that when you wage war against a population, they will fight back. Hezbollah defeated Israel doing exactly this. Is it any wonder why Israel is behaving so desperately now? Could it be that the Pals have finally found their calling? I hope so. And I hope they take very good care of their hostages as they must according to Islamic Law. That one hostage was already killed is no surprise.

Israel must have a death wish for itself. Let's be honest. What kind of peace will Israel ever have after all of this? You must be crazy to think that the muslims are ever going to forget this or Jenin or Acre or the fact that many "settlers" are transplants from places like Brooklyn and New Jersey.

I used to want to believe that I could defend Israel's right to exist but I am afraid that that aspect of my character is now just about dead. My apologies to the naked poets of Greenwich Village.


Carmenisacat said...

Nietzsche and War. Now there you go. I read Zarathustra bits and pieces before but didn't quite 'get it' and many find themselves in the same position when attacking this strange little book FN wrote. The reason I didn't get it was because I wasn't approaching it as a muslim. How could I? At that point in time I was just dallying with Islam and not really practicing it to the letter (or almost).

What I have discovered is that many ideas in Zarathustra are directly lifted from the Quran itself. Why has it not been mentioned more often in the Western world? In fact, my copy has an appendix written by a scholar specializing in FN who never picks up on it at all when in FACT it is obvious that not only are general ideas lifted (the destruction of idols by various prophets) but literally, whole parables are used to illuminate points about war and the necessity of war not to mention that the whole format is the same i.e. chapters that jump around and have basic titles like: The Poets. Sheesh, the Quran literally has a Sura titled exactly that, The Poets and it says exactly the same thing FN said: Poets are basically liars (most) except as we must believe if we are to grasp any of the wisdom of Zarathustra, FN himself. FN is lifted out of the morass of "the herd". And there too, he constantly refers to the 'sheepherders'...yea.....you see, back then when the Prophet was illuminating the world to the new ideas of humanity given by Allah there was a certain group of dissenters who twisted a word meant to call attention to their question (Uzurna) and instead, made it sound like an insult i.e. "sheepherder" as in referring to the prophet as no more than a mere goatherd. FN didn't miss a beat there you see.

And he borrowed one of the BIGGEST precepts in the Quran and qualified it in lengthy discussions. That precept?

War is necessary and in fact, it is inevitable. The Quran says exactly the same. It goes a bit further though and suggests that Allah sets up every person, every population with an adversary in order to test a group's ability to fight by the law.

And it is ludicrous if you ask me to suggest that with more than 7 billion people populating this planet that there is ever going to be a time when oppression is eradicated from the planet like polio. We can't even get rid of that and it is on the rise in Africa as well as elsewhere. Due to oppression. We cannot even get back from the fly what he steals from us as he lands on our picnic hams you see. That is how powerless we are against those things that would eat that which doesn't belong to them. The Quran however limits aggression and defines human rights in the context of aggressions and leaves nothing out. FN didn't go that far unfortunately because he couldn't. The Quran challenges anyone to come up with a better plan and so far FN comes closest.

But still no cigar. And now we have legitimate means being countered with mass efforts towards genocide in the name of Israel proper which used to be a place called Palestine, the birthplace of Isa, Jesus Christ (pbuh).

And there is just no two ways about it: Israel is committing murder and getting away with it day after day after day.

Carmenisacat said...

Well thanks Bruce. Welcome to here.

I'm not completely in support of this sort of thing in which it is an argument over texts per se but hey...I feel that if you have something to say and want to say it here then go ahead. I'm not sure many people will have the stamina to stick with that much reading though.

I'm positive the Pope and GW won't read it either. I do believe however that GW did finally get around to the Iranian's letter. Must have come as quite a shock to discover that he was dealing with an erudite scholar who just happens to dress like a caddy because well...hey because he likes to dress like a caddy. Understated. Brilliant. A Shi'i.

That letter was an act of goodness. It wasn't a letter of attack on Xtian values. Those should not be attacked in my estimation. Know what I thinks?

I thinks that Islam is meant to PROTECT the other two. Christianity and Judaism are children that were born before the father and that is the meaning of the hadith (one which is one of the signs of the 'end of times') that states the Hour is upon you when a woman/man gives birth to their master.

And in the US today by far, women and adolescents are the groups most likely to take Islam for their belief system. I've met a number of teenagers who have already converted (or reverted as the case may be) and in fact, gasp, my own two nephews want to convert...and I swear...I had NOTHING to do with that! They just found out it (Islam) actually makes sense. Refreshing to have a religion that actually adds up.

Thanks Bruce and come around anytime. Salaam to you and yours.

Carmenisacat said...

And that is the juncture where the issue of Zionism must be deliberately and hotly debated.

Not with amateurs however. Never with an amateur who will no doubt cry and go home and compliment you falsely about "how great Islam is".

Well. It is not great in the same way that Universal Studios or Disneyland (see The Simulacra for that innuendo). In comparison, it isn't a hayride nor was it meant to be. It is a highly technical belief process based in a systematic and rhetorical study of events "believed" by most people to be true at the level of myth or legend and by an ever growing number of people at the level of having actually occurred i.e. Moses at the Mount/Red Sea/etc. stuff like that.

Now. It is IMPOSSIBLE to know if the shared events of Islam and the other two religions happened i.e. the ones described in the much rewritten Bible and the hidden texts called the Apocrypha.

What is possible is to know the HISTORICAL facts and rhetorical magnificance of events surrounding the Quran and the advent of Islam. Those are simply not in doubt. We know there was a man who was called a prophet by everyone (practically) who met him including the great leader Heraclitus who basically abandoned the Xtian ship once he knew for certain he was dealing with a real prophet from the lineage of Dawood (King David, the one Israel clings so tightly to as well as Solomon the Wise). We know for a fact that his followers conquered the world for a large period of time under the auspices of the Ottoman Empire (the Sunni/Abbassid/Ommayad dynasties in tandem).

Piecing together the religion of Islam is actually easier than most people think and many might be truly surprised at what a relief it provides to doubts about things people believe they are "supposed to believe" but simply can't because logically they make no sense (as related in the Bible and the Talmud (which is not the Torah)).

Furthermore, the Quran makes a point of asking these believers why on earth if they share the exact same text (the Old Testament/Torah which is used by both Jews and Christians alike)..then why don't they agree on the very basics of the process?

Now you tell me, does that make sense?

It doesn't.

But that isn't Zionism and Israel is not about Judaism any more than Los Angeles is about Angels. It is simply a name borrowed by the Zionists in order to use the concept of "The Chosen People" in order to gain a stake in a land that for the longest time was forsaken by all Empires because no one thought it was worth a dime.

Things do change though and when they did, the Zionists got busy and planned themselves a future. They've no religion. They are ideologues. No more and no less and have a very unhealthy attitude towards anyone who gets in their way.