

There is no such thing as "alcoholism". By definition, alcoholism is a condition in which some people can drink alcohol without experiencing deleterious effects and others cannot (alcoholics). Fact is, no one can drink alcohol without having deleterious effects.

Alcoholism and the treatment of it is a ruse and conditions people to accept drinking when in fact, it is bad for everyone. Imagine though what would happen to the industry and everything that it entails (from the Super Bowl to New Year's Eve to the Academy Awards to nightclubs)...the economy would collapse if in fact...people were told the truth.

One of the things that makes it mostly impossible for "alcoholics" to ever experience this thing mistakenly called a "cure"...is that they are made to feel that they are somehow less "moral" and "weak" than all those other lovely people in the world who enjoy drinking "responsibly". Not only that, in order to maintain this ruse of alcoholism, they condition millions of people to teach their children that their family (or someone else's) has this genetic predisposition to drink...basically....it becomes a self fufilling prophecy. Whole families get a label of being members of a club called Adult Children of Alcoholics. These so called "Children" of alcoholics are taught that whether they like it or not..they will most likely suffer the same fate and become alcoholics themselves.

Sure...there are problems associated with the so called disease of "alcoholism" but they are all self inflicted with the help of this horrible myth that is perpetrated for the sole purpose of keeping people drinking i.e. responsibly.

Imagine the notion of people "smoking" responsibly. 'They" don't advise that and mainly because smoking does not make a person weak intellectually (one of the secondary gains the government gets from keeping people drunk) but it does end up costing the state billions of dollars in health care costs. Alcohol on the other hand is WORTH the health care problems it causes because it keeps people stupid i.e. easy to oppress and easy to lie to about a variety of things including war.

Same goes for drug use but because it it illegal (for now...in many states personal use marijuana is now legal)...it costs the state money to incarcerate "criminal" users. Fact is however, the US government is not really incarcerating people for drug use and when they do, it is for very limited amounts of time.

When my other brother...the homeless addicted one...was incarcerated for possession of COCAINE a few months ago..the charges were dropped. They had no interest in keeping a cocaine addict off the street (where he sleeps) in order to either protect society or punish him for violating the law. In fact, they told me up front that they cannot "house" this ever increasing population of drug addicts saying basically (not in so many words) that prisons have become temporary homeless shelters but not long term facilities whose goal is either punishment or rehabilitation.

In the US...prisons are used by major corporations to provide them with cheap labor. Prisoners in the US do a wide range of jobs for pennies an hour...everything from packaging software to lawn maintenance at public facilities to making airline reservations for travel companies. I'm not kidding you here...this is all true. And the facts of the matter are that drug addicts are so useless that prisons have no use for them either...they aren't good "employees". As well, prison employment services aid companies in the US in circumventing labor laws and union guidelines.

But no...there is no such thing as "alcoholism". That is a lie. It is bad for everyone be they muslim or not and regardless of their family history.

I ought to know. I used to believe in that myth. When I was shown that alcohol is strictly forbidden in Islam, it "cured" me but not because I had a disease. Instead I was given a MISUNDERSTANDING by the society itself.

When a person realizes this and they are muslim, they will naturally choose their Islam over the beer. It is THAT EASY.

Think about it: the myth that "there is no cure" and "alcoholics are never cured"...this is the myth that is perpetrated all over the world.

You cannot find a cure or obtain a cure for a disease that does not exist.

When the prophet said: There is a cure for every disease....it is true. If a thing is curable, there is a cure. Don't let anyone fool you into thinking either that there is no cure yet for AIDS.

In an ideal world where all people follow the rules given to them by the Creator and reserve sex as an activity that can only be enjoyed within the marital framework, there would be NO:

unwed teenage mothers
sexually transmitted diseases
epidemic "need" for abortions as a means of birth control

Period. Of course, that isn't going to happen (not saying it never will) but when a significantly large number of people accept that the rules are meant to help a person "guard against evil" there will be massive social change.

Due to the overwhelming influence of a small proportion of the people on the planet (the WEST) , this change is being stifled. In the media, the West spreads these horrendous rumours.

The West is however, beginning to face the music. I saw on a news program a host stating the statistic that over 80% of all crimes are committed while "under the influence". On yet another, they decried that 45% of all American teens are now BINGE DRINKING. In this small town I am in now (population only 5,000) there are currently NINETEEN pregnant, unwed girls attending the high school..this doesn't even tell us how many other girls have already had to have abortions or been treated for sexually transmitted diseases..that is an unknown.

That is the part where the Quran cautions a person: willingly or unwillingly.

The West is following Islam but unwillingly. That is the type when people ignore the cautions and instead, enjoy the consequences of their neglect.

Alcohol and anything else like eating or smoking or nail biting is HABITUAL. When a person replaces those habits with better ones like praying, fasting or just thinking about Islam, Allah, the Quran...guess what? Things get "cured" as if by magic but the truth be told...it isn't magic at all. It is simply following the advice that was given by the best advice giver of all.

**Unfortunately, AIDS is already here and it was not caused by sexual misconduct in the beginning. It is suggested that it was introduced as an "unknown" retrovirus back in the 1950s to a group of people in Central Africa on whom a pharmaceutical company was testing its new polio vaccine and hence it is the epicenter of the epidemic. The monkey kidneys that were used as a medium to produce the vaccine contained several unknown agents called as a group retroviruses that were not considered a threat in light of the actual threat that polio was presenting at the time...so those retroviruses were ignored. AIDS is passed from mother to child in the breast milk and common maternal blood circulation prenatally. Preventing AIDS by saying it can be prevented by using condoms is yet another myth as AIDS is here and is a consequence of human error and the rush to cure polio and cannot be said to be an "intentional" error. As well, it has unfortunately been linked to homosexuality. Even though it can and is transmitted that way it isn't the cause of the disease itself. The introduction of the retrovirus to the AFRICAN population however was intentional on the level that they preferred to test their vaccine on people who were uneducated and not likely to complain if things didn't work out the way they hoped that they would. They did get their so called cure from polio (which is not curable as it exists in a "wild" form that is constantly mutating and recurring in the polio crops found around the world) but they also got something else. They got the reward of introducing a disease that is communicable sexually. And in that, because the West is sexually a very sick society (from pedophilia to adultery to any number of deviances) it became a victim of its own action of perpetrating an "unintentional" crime against the people of Central Africa.

I know this because it was written about many years ago in a magazine called Rolling Stone by the writer PJ O'Rourke...a well known popular journalist. The story was then buried and has remained buried ever since. Imagine the liability that the pharmaceutical company would have to endure and the scientists involved in the "project". Similar to Einstein's involvement in the creation of the atom bomb for which he spent the rest of his life (after Hiroshima/Nagasaki) apologizing for and fighting against nuclear weapons.


Anonymous said...

I think you may be right - about the alcohol. It's not a view you often see.

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Carmenisacat said...

Thanks David.

I am right and know that this country i.e. the US is in a real pickle. A pickled pickle. And it isn't the only "situation" that is providing the evidence or rather the "natural proofs" that are given as a means of reflecting what the truth actually is.

The way I see it, there is only one Creator and obviously, that Creator only has one philosophy...not ten or twenty but one. Whenever a person or a group of people ignore that philosphy because they are simply biased against such a thing as the Creator...they will still have to see the Creator's plan in their life and the hard way.

Islam is the easy way. Sure, it involves having to abide by some tough rules and perform some things that people think are a bit odd. Thing is, the "norm" is all haywire and anything we do as muslims will seem odd to a haywires society. Few people see the inverse of that and realize that the "norm" of Girls Gone Wild, Booze until you Snooze.....is actually very abnormal and as we all are beginning to see: a death knell for the young generations involved in those so called cycles. I guess people assumed that those "vicious cycles" of alcohol/drug abuse, child abuse, self abuse (suicide) would never amount to much statistically. It would somehow remain in that little corral where they place the social rejects that they pretend they don't treat as rejects: the abusers of alcohol and drugs.

It is a form of widespread social hypocrisy that has now produced a great deal of fruit. And that fruit comes from a rotten tree and naturally it is rotten itself.

That is the symbolism of the tree in so many historical contexts which are all subordinate to the overriding philosophy of the Creator.

Peace to you and thanks for being brave enough to comment.

Carmenisacat said...

And let me correct myself:

I am not right but the Creator is right. Always. The price people pay for disagreeing with that is the suffering of a bitter punishment in this life and then...in the next for many.

People can have both i.e. the punishment in this life and the next or they can have the reward of both. The reward of this life however that comes attached to Islam and the following of the index called the Quran doesn't seem pleasant to those who have gone far, far away from the truth.

It is sad to watch but in the end, the Creator already knows the outcomes and didn't write a story in which the Creator loses. He put together a plan and has made it clear to ALL people now what that plan is. If they ignore it now it is only to their own detriment and demise regardless of how much fun they "think" they are having. The Creator says point blank that the blind and the haters of Allah will be made to believe that they are morally superior, economically superior and superior in military strength and then the Creator added these words:

Hell is an ambush.

It is. I'd watch out for it if I were you. I wish you all the best.