
A prisoner of war held in a Shi'i Islamic State (called a "hostage" by the Western press):


She is being subjected to the famous Islamic torture called "head covering"which is typically followed by being fed a delicious meal of Iranian grub and being forced to use FLATBREAD instead of utensils as well as being "paraded in front of cameras" and being forced to write letters "forced confessions" of being treated like a human being and having made the mistake of following orders to violate Iranian international waters.

The same POW in a Non Islamic institution run by the US Government (termed a "detainee" by the same Western press):


He is being subjected to the famous electrocution treatment after having been sodomized and photographed naked with dogs. Collectively it is called "Waterboarding". Prior to the Iraqi and Afghanistan invasions, the US military machine received extensive training from the ISRAELI government and the MOSSAD to learn how to torture "the old fashioned way" that is found in the Old Testament and included using hot coals on the eyes, eating human excrement and rape.

The British incursion into a highly problematic area is but the latest in a series of provocations, including Western-sponsored terrorist attacks inside Iran. U.S. aid to pro-al Qaeda elements operating inside Lebanon, as a counterbalance to Hezbollah's growing influence, is inexplicable except as part of a new strategy to neutralize Iranian assets in the region. The battle is being extended into the heart of the mullahs' realm by inciting national and religious minorities within the country: Azeris, Sunnis (including groups associated with Osama bin Laden), and, of course, the ever-useful Kurds, America's Middle Eastern Janissaries.


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