
Behavioral Research,
the West and Islam

Whilst out and about garnering information to consolidate some ideas I've been having about the problems associated with the heretofore practice of Western Behavioral research studies being skewed and based on non muslim people and therefore, based on faulty logic (expecially the Freudian nonsenses)...I happened into this great little blog entry about Muslim kids being sent to the King David school in the UK. Imagine my delight at such a find!

"Muslim parents are pleased that ‘all the kids mix and go to one another's parties and are in and out of each other's houses’. The Jewish parents and teachers too are just as enthusiastic: “You know, in these difficult times in the world, I think we show how things should be done. It's really a bit of a beacon," says one teacher, whose three children all went to King David and ended up at Oxford University. One Jewish parent commented: "My son is eight and has loads of Muslim friends." And perhaps most important of all is that some of the cross-cultural friendships forged at King David last a lifetime."


One of the other things I was meaning to look into but as is the case of skewed analysis in the world being based on NON SUBMITTING muslims (everyone included in that regardless of their sect/nonsect)..but that kind of research is hard to find...I was hoping to show the notion of little people not knowing how to get dressed!

Yes. You bet. KIDS.....believe it or not...do not know how to pick their own clothing!

So...we adult animals do it for them. It's our job. Adult muslim animals do it their way and their way seems to really anger non submitting muslims (the entire population of humanity who is the group of NON submission by default, choice or hatred of Islam and the Messenger).

Unfortunately...submitting muslims have not been studied and due to the invasion of Western values, media and failure to submit to any religion let alone Islam..that kind of information is highly unavailabe and usually studies are marked by an inability to properly isolate variables and one of the new variables is the admixture of Western hypocrisy, capitalism and greed which tends to rip the Islam right out of a soul....and it rips the validity right out of a study done in a primarily submitting Islamic country like Saudi Arabia, Iran or Indonesia where studies like that need to be done in order to determine if Islam really does prevent certain types of things.

Therefore...when muslim parents choose to teach their young girls to cover their hair...they are only teaching them how to dress.

No more and no less. It is no different than the non submitting muslims in the world who teach their young ladies to wear miniskirts and tube tops and their boys to wear ties.

Yikes. It is as simple as that.

Peace on those that deserve it. Heh...who needs research when you have simple logic. But here is a sample of how research methodologies have utterly failed to serve humanity:


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