
Zionists to cut electricity to Palestinians in Gaza. Well sheesh, I forgot. What was Zionism again? Short version: It was a Euro-German plan to rid Europe of European Jewry (ethnic cleansing) while simultaneously using a small group of German Jewish Nationalists (the trade off) to seed themselves in Palestine in order to sell German made goods to what was then "anti Apartheid" people i.e. boycotters. It had the additional benefit of seeding a non indigenous group of athiestic-socialists in prime real estate known to harbor huge oil reserves which would be needed to support the automobile industry.

What about the indigenous peoples who actually owned the property? Well...we know what their value was to these monsters. We can see it right before our eyes and have allowed it to continue and even paid for it to continue until now. But hell....who are "we" fooling. We did this to the Indians and Mexicans.

What did Churchill say again? "A land without a people and a people without a land." I hope that old goat likes it hot.

My mother used to say, "Just wait until the chickens come home to roost."

Yup. I'd say that's about right mom.

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