
Depopulation and Perception Management

Former President Bill Clinton and the George Bushes have business interests in Congo. Senator Howard Baker and Brian Mulroney, former Prime Minister of Canada, are two of their many partners. Their interests in Congo, as everywhere in Africa, revolve around raw materials: diamonds and gold; Congo coffee; and strategic minerals, including tantalum, columbium-tantalite (coltan), niobium, uranium, copper and tungsten. While all are vital to globalization, militarization and the control of space, none are as critical as cobalt, an element essential to military-industrial superalloys, found in quantities in Congo as nowhere else. Cobalt's crucial role in tank armor, spacecraft, furnaces, refineries, mining, submarines, locomotives, nuclear reactors, and nuclear weapons dictates that access to Congo cobalt is a major Pentagon prerogative. As everywhere, the spoils include phenomenal reserves of oil and natural gas.

Behind local African warlords are the real players: Exxon, Unilever, Branch Energy, and Bechtel. These are secretive corporations who, with the support of the U.S., UK and French governments, fund, arm and train private mercenary armies. Players include Hans Van Lujik and Bernard Legrand of Royal Dutch Shell; General Ed Soyster of Military Professional Resources Inc. (Washington); CIA agent Lawrence Devlin; even covert U.S. forces. With their secret backers and alliances, African "leaders" like Paul Kagame and Yoweri MU.S.eveni, and their many jungle warlords, have waged war-as-cover for private profit. These proxy armies are depopulating Africa. Popular writers like Philip Gourevitch ["We wish to inform you that tomorrow we will be killed with our families: Stories from Rwanda", 1998] are covering it up.

Keith Harmon Snow's work has appeared in publications in the U.S., UK and Japan. In Tokyo, he was staff writer, photographer & editor at Japan International Journal. In 2000 Snow returned from his investigations of war in central Africa and "the genocide" in Rwanda. The next year he gave expert testimony, on genocide and U.S. covert operations in Africa, at a special congressional hearing in Washington D.C. He also attended the International Criminal Tribunal on Rwanda in Arusha, Tanzania. This and another one of Snow's reports on Central Africa are included in Project Censored 2003, a book on the top 25 underreported news stories of 2001-2002.

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