
The amazing Skidboot

A Long Way To Pocatello Tonight

Have you ever seen
such a clean crowd of people
sitting in their folding chairs
have you ever seen
such a thing?

I have.

They're just everywhere.
They want stripper poets
killer poets and poets
who kill themselves
for a living
as ornery as that
must sound

to the untrained ear

that doesn't know
too much about
poetry but alot
about sitting in an audience.

It's a long way to Pocatello tonight
isn't it? I know it's a long way
but do tell me, how far?

Once, we met Rothenberg
and he knew about that distance
to Pocatello. Just discovered it.

I might just tell him tonight
how far Pocatello is
when there is no audience
and life is just a watch and a wait.


AZnurse said...

This let me cry. I started to say made me but that was wrong. It is hard and lonesome and not over yet by a longshot. It is a long way and will be a long time.

Carmenisacat said...


Yeah...sometimes one of my own poems makes me cry too...not that often but that one, yes.

It's been a long way to Pocatello hasn't it.

All my love for sure. You are the best thing since processed cheese. Or maybe frisbees. I don't know.

No one and I mean no one, can take credit for this but you.

No one will or would ever dare.

Allah bless you.