
Hezbollah leads another Divine Victory against Israel without firing a single rocket into Israeli territory. How is it that can happen? And to make matters worse, after Hezbollah seizes control of Beirut, it does something that no other "militia" (if that's what you call an army fighting in the way of Allah) in any country has ever done before....they return control over to the Lebanese Army and as is always the case, Hezbollah dissolves into the nooks and crannies of their own country, their jobs and families and their religious purpose which is real actual bona fide PEACE. Bush then makes an ass of himself once again and offers to send US support to the Lebanese Army? Hahaha...okay pal. Go ahead. What a buffoon. I always knew he was a buffoon and actually, am quite excited to know that Allah DID choose him to be president...as he is oft quoted saying. Sure enough....Allah did choose Bush and no doubt, Allah will place the next US president into office as well.

Read: http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=9006

According to US Senate Intelligence Committee sources, the Bush administration initially green lighted the intended May 11 Israel 'demonstration of solidarity with the pro-Bush administration militias, some with which Israel has maintained ties since the days of Bashir Gemayal and Ariel Sharon.

In the end, 'the Bush administration got cold feet', a Congressional source revealed. So did Israel.
Israel was not willing to proceed with the original Bush Administration idea which was to have Bush attend the May 15 Israel anniversary celebrations following the Israeli attack meant to hit Hezbollah hard, and give Bush the credit for coming to the dangerous region. The message was to be that Bush comes to the rescue 'on horseback and leads the US Calvary charge straight out of a B western movie where the bugle would sound and flag would be unfurled and the white hat good guys would show their stuff before riding into the sunset and back to Texas, leaving the results to the likely Obama administration to sort out.

The plan involved Israeli air strikes on South and West Beirut in support of forces it was assured would be able to surprise and resist Hezbollah and sustain a powerful offensive for 48 hours.

Also presumably disturbing to Israel was the report it received that Hezbollah had once again in all probability hacked its 'secure' military intelligence communications and the fear that the information would be shared with others.

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