
Victory and Time
Witnessing the gradual demise of the rogue state once known as "Israel"

Israel WILL be giving back the Golan Heights whether she likes it or not. How long before that happens? Well, as these things go...Israel is an entrenched and bitter enemy. It is an enemy that Hezbollah leader Nasrallah always speaks highly of i.e. that they do not forget their dead soldiers, their prisoners of war nor do they lose sight of their cause. The fact that Israel and its supporters believe that those two sentiments are the right only of "their" type of people (ethnocentristic and xenophobic as it is) matters not to Nasrallah and the rest of us "Shia". The fact that their cause i.e. a state solely for one ethnic group is an evil one does matter because Allah doesn't like those types of causes. Period.

Israel's goal since it's inception was based on the notoriously bigoted views of Theodor Herzl and David Ben Gurion. Both of them spewed outrageous amounts and types of hatred towards Arabs. The entire state of Israel was based on their disgusting rhetoric and rationale. Hordes of people have been brainwashed over the past half of a century into believing it. Boggles my mind as to exactly how anyone could allow themself to be so obviously misled. But it does indicate to me the truth about all people.

Some people LIE and some just LIKE THE LIE. The two are relatively equal in my book. And then of course there are the others that feign ignorance yet...yet...they pose as such viable and intelligent creatures to other people. I'm not really sure which group I dislike more. There are so many moral facets to that little grouping of individuals and really, out of the four types of people...every person in this world is in at least ONE of those categories. The fourth group is composed of those who tell the truth and know what it looks like and they never exchange truth for the lie.

Truth, being what it is, isn't something else. Truth is not a multiple choice question. It is most naturally true or false. When writing one of those types of questions, the teacher cannot substitute ten different options for "truth". The only option in which there exists five or six squillion types of responses is the category called falsehood. This simple notion....is simple. It is so simple yet so many have chosen the wrong answer.

Israel versus Syria

"Damascus says it has received Israeli commitments for a full withdrawal from the occupied-Golan Heights, the main sticking point in previous talks.

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has carefully avoided mentioning the Golan but has drawn fire after hinting that Israel would have to pay a painful price for a peace accord.

The strategic Golan plateau was seized by Israel in the 1967 Arab-Israeli war and annexed in 1981 in a move never recognised internationally. "

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