

These are on a right course from their Lord and these it is that shall be successful. The Glorious Quran, Luqman (Aesop from Aesop's Fables...he was a black man.)

Morrocco Gets Mad http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/03/06/morocco-cuts-ties-with-ir_n_172615.html
and in a fit of jealous rage, cuts its nose despite its face.

The Moroccan press has repeatedly accused the Iranian Embassy of proselytism in recent years. The Iranian ambassador denied the charges as recently as last week.

There are officially no Shiite Muslims in this North African kingdom, which is more than 99 percent Sunni, with the remainder of the population Jewish or Christian.

King Mohamed VI is the "commander of the believers" in the country, and the Foreign Ministry's statement equated attacking Moroccan religious unity to challenging the monarch.

The right to interpret the Word of God Numerous verses in the Holy Qur'an make it clear that an understanding of the inner-meaning (the implied) and in other words the true test of the Holy Book is specific to certain individuals and that the true status of the Qur'an and the hidden revelations therein will not be known to any but such special individuals whose characteristics include integrity. According to Ayah 80 of Surah Wa'qi'ah, these individuals are the ones who have the ability to come in contact with this fountain of knowledge in the Qur'an. Therefore, it can be concluded that the Ahlul-Bayt of the Prophet who are (according to Surah 33, Ayah 33), free of all ignominy, are the ones who shall witness the true status (meaning) of the Qur'an. It is important to mention here that according to the Holy Verses, the true standing of the Qur'an is the vastness of the knowledge within its revelations. The final meaning thereof, and that of the latent verses or the less than clear content, was to be clarified to become the guidance to mankind. Therefore, those who have access to the true status of the Qur'an, meaning the true knowledge of the firm and unmistakable (Muh'kam) and to the unspecified (Mu'tashaabah), no doubt have full command of the interpretation and allegoric explanation of the Holy Verses. The Qur'an calls the interpreters of the firm and unmistakable (Muh'kam) and the unspecified (Mu'tashaabah) verses as: Al-Rasikhoon fil I'lm. meaning the Deeply Versed in Divine Knowledge (of the Qur'an). From: http://www.hadith.net/english/prophet/household.htm

Millennialism, or something else?

What gets me....one of those posts about what gets me. Who cares really about what gets me except me, myself and I?

Well, Millennialism gets alot of people doesn't it?
Here is a new term for "it" and that would be collapsitarianism. Over there at Wiki, you can find the scientific (what moderns call legitimate) view and that is labeled catestrophism. A derogatory term, besides millennialism is Dispensationalism which more or less is the framework for nearly all of the newly minted types (read: sects) of Christianity. Common to those is another way of looking at differences that have supposedly sprouted up is the term supersessionism. Supersessionism is denied by sects who would like to believe that the ancients didn't know what they were talking about but they i.e. those in denial...do know what they are talking about because of course, time has evolved them into better creatures more capable of understanding Allah's premises. You can lop most or all modern athiestic/agnostic ideologies into the idea of supersessionism. What has always bothered me about those conversations is the fact that what they are in denial of, is admitted to by the virtual claim of Allah's non existence. In other words, the conversation has to exist, does exist and no matter what kind of denial someone engages in (from Darwinism to Communism to Capitalism), Allah does exist...if only in their superficial terminology. The need for Allah to exist is part of the denial of Allah's existence. Somewhere in the Quran this is stated by Allah via Gibril and Mohamed but I'm not going to bother bringing it to you here..that's not my problem but I will paraphrase that verse by saying Allah is clear about his knowledge of the denial of some human beings and clear about the fact that he (Allah) will never be "out of the picture" of their silly debates and outrages.

"They are life for knowledge and death for ignorance. Their forbearance tells you of their knowledge, and their silence of the wisdom of their speaking. They do not go against right nor do they differ (among themselves) about it. They are the pillars of Islam and the asylums of (its) protection. With them right has returned to its position and wrong has left its place and its tongue is severed from its root. They have understood the religion attentively and carefully, not by mere heresy or from relaters, because the relaters of knowledge are many but its understanders are few. " Ali ibn Abi Taleb, pbuh

What gets me about all of this is being lopped into this egalitarian category merely be being part of the larger population of what we call "believers". You see, muslims aren't just any believers. We are a very, very special brand. Problem is, many of those involved in sects (Christianity to Judaism to Buddhism) believe that they are those special creatures. A few of them declare divine right to this with a good example being those who say that if you do not admit Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior...you will burn in hell. They are not only mistaken but it is the case that they have mistaken the right of a human to be RIGHT with the actual act of BEING RIGHT. It's a big boo boo. Not sure how big but from this high end view (Islam), I'd say.....uh oh. Mostly because those who confuse the two ideas (declaration of right and actual divine right) do not only misunderstand the laws of the Creator but they are bound to offend the Creator in all kinds of ways by failing to adhere to clear rules and regulations.

"The basis of the occurrence of evils are those desires which are acted upon and the orders that are innovated. They are against the Book of Allah. People co-operate with each other about them even though it is against the Religion of Allah. If wrong had been pure and unmixed it would not be hidden from those who are in search of it. And if right had been pure without admixture of wrong those who bear hatred towards it would have been silenced. What is, however, done is that something is taken from here and something from there and the two are mixed! At this stage Satan overpowers his friends and they alone escape for whom virtue has been apportioned by Allah from before."

No...muslims (and not all and not even most) are a different breed. While everyone else is on the same level...and most of them admit to being EQUAL and declaring it their best virtue i.e. "whatever goes as long as its nice and doesn't bother anyone too much or offend their human rights"....which is in my estimation absolute PROOF of their position....we muslims don't say that and more importantly, Shia muslims have an even larger claim WITHIN Islam itself. That claim is we got it right. And truth only has ONE side. Falsehood has several and some of those options include the very nice looking equalities of those who worship Allah on a lower level. We just don't believe in threatening others with that right except as advisers to those in need of assistance. We aren't in any position to tell anyone what their outcome will eventually be i.e. after Judgement Day. We believe in moderation and standing back a bit...letting people come to us rather than us seeking folks out like Jehovah's Witnesses do to an embarrassing degree. Nope. Not our style but we do believe in giving sage advice and comfort to the confused.

"Do not blame a man who delays in securing what are his just rights but blame lies on him who grasps the rights which do not belong to him." Ali ibn Abi Taleb, pbuh.

Does Allah mind? Well...I certainly couldn't tell you but I can tell you a little something about the whole crew of dispensationalists to Global Warming fanatics.

You've missed the point. The point was made and it was made in a clear fashion. Disbelief bars a person from understanding this...that is an innate characteristic of the argument. Belief (ANY type of belief in one Creator)on the other hand allows certain people a view into this muslim mind of ours....a wee peak. Not a whole peak as in you can join us easily. You can't. It isn't that simple. You can try of course but you can also end up mighty disappointed. But it never hurts to give it a shot if your intentions towards the Creator are proper.

I'm not going to go further into it except to quote a few incredibly important sayings from the first Imam of Islam after the prophet and to paraphrase it, it would be like "Shit or get off the pot." Some people do go to that extreme (extremists who are in error) but they shouldn't be confused with those who declare Divine Right, know what Divine Right is and know that it belongs to a certain set of rules and behaviors and say "shit or get off the pot" because I'm telling you, we understand this problem and anyone not in our group is doomed to failure if they continue to sit on this pot and that pot would be understanding the role of Creation, Allah, his books, his Messengers and Prophets, his warnings about the total finality (as opposed to these partial seemingly indiscriminate disasters) of the creation and ultimately, Judgement Day to which all people will be subjected with or without their consent and forebearance.

Some additional insights from the Head of State (Ali ibn Abi Taleb, pbuh) after the death of the world's last and final prophet, Mohamed (SA):

"Acquire wisdom and truth from whomever you can because even an apostate can have them but unless they are passed over to a faithful Muslim and become part of wisdom and truth that he possesses, they have a confused existence in the minds of apostates. "

We, Ahlul Bayt (chosen descendants of the Holy Prophet), hold such central and balancing position in religion that those who are deficient in understanding and acting upon its principles, will have to come to us for reformation, and those who are overdoing it have got to learn moderation from us.

An Angel announces daily: "Birth of more human beings means so many more will die, collection of more wealth means of much more will be destroyed, erection of more buildings means so many more ruins will come".

One who does not realize his own value is condemned to utter failure.

May Allah be pleased with all of them and hopefully, with me too for telling the truth to those who don't really like the idea at all. The world will end someday and that time is ALWAYS getting closer. We just don't know how close and neither do those infamous Aztecs who suffered the demise of their entire culture for doing things we all know aren't really right (sacrificing human lives for bad ideologies).

Points to ponder.....when Ahmadinijad tells everyone "There won't be a war with the United States." How does he know and apparently, he is right. Of course, the scholars who form the councils do warn that the corallary to this advice and it is advice...is that if you do make war on the Shia of the world...you'll fail and we'll bascially rip your teeth out of your gums...needs to be mentioned. It isn't an idle threat, I assure you.

Banks and who runs them? Why are they failing? You need to consider the ideology that is current and that is that the banking system that we used to have is the Jewish Banking System and that Madoff is a certain ethnicity as are his investors. Newspapers...ah..anyone who hasn't heard the familiar fable that Jews control the media...well...they're in the caca pile too. What's left? Oh...the Catholic Church...is on the rocks it seems and the Bishop in California who mediated and enabled a pedophile is now forbidding the entrance into ANY church in his diosese, of a priest who questions the reality of the Holocaust. OK...so hypocrisy all over the place and very easy to see including the utter hypocrisy of the United States of ZioChristianity trying to prevent Iran from making clean energy from nuclear power while they are harboring some of the most dangerous weaponry known to mankind. Alas. And Iran over there ignoring the whole thing and sending, for the very first time, a MUSLIM MADE satellite. You've got Morocco cutting off ties with Iran because....er....alot of Moroccans have joined the Divine Right Team. Of their own accord and in a spat of ignorant action, Moroccan High Priests think they can avoid this inevitable turn of historical events in mankind by taking its toys and going home. To make matters worse, CNN reported last week that not only is Islam increasing in membership in the United States but all other faiths are shrinking in membership so it is an increase not only in numbers but one of increasing by ratio and decrease. Dire situation for some and wonderful for others (me) who have known this all along. One hundred years from now...the United States will be a muslim country. Trust me. I'm just not prone to lying or making outrageous claims. Why bother? What would I gain if someone else knows what I know? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I only get credit for my own deeds, no more and no less.

My oh my. You think I'm wrong? Well, it's everyone's right to be wrong and everyone's right to be right. Being right though...is another story.

"Hizbullah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah declared on Friday that in case Hizbullah wants to engage in a dialogue with the US, it will impose its own conditions. His eminence pointed out that the new US stance or "openness" was due to the failure of its regional plans, announcing that the US conditions for dialogue with Hizbullah were rejected since the Resistance party would never recognize ‘Israel'."

And you know.....this type of Will Power is something most non muslims completely fail to understand. Here's the problem for you ALL...no one reading this post will be alive in 100 years to know if my claim is right. Even I won't but all the same, I make it in a most confident position as one who knows that Allah wins. Allah didn't create this in vain and Allah never loses. If of course, you don't believe in Allah you won't fathom the disaster you have willed upon yourself. You are one of the losers and the Quran talks alot about you...that's why you don't like it. Don't like it at all.

My advice? Copy and paste this somewhere. Come back to this article in one year, in two years, in five and in twenty if you are still alive. Look around you. What do you see? Leave it as an inheritance for your children. I'm leaving it for mine.

Those to whom We have given the Book read it as it ought to be read. These believe in it; and whoever disbelieves in it, these it is that are the losers. 2:121

O you who believe! if you obey those who disbelieve they will turn you back upon your heels, so you will turn back losers. 3:149

They are losers indeed who reject the meeting of Allah; until when the hour comes upon them all of a sudden they shall say: O our grief for our neglecting it! and they shall bear their burdens on their backs; now surely evil is that which they bear. 6:31

And you should not be of those who reject the communications of Allah, (for) then you should be one of the losers. 10:95


Anonymous said...


Carmenisacat said...

Yes. A peak.

More than a peak means you have understood and cannot resist the logic.

You are welcome to either but until you know these things and I mean really know them, you will only be glancing at something you cannot comprehend but hopefully can learn to respect.

Peace to you in any case.

Anonymous said...

Peek : To take a quick look at something.

Peak : The top of a mountain.