
I just really love this Marx in Jargon by Keston Sutherland. Fantastic trip through Glen Beck's worst nightmare. Lovable, darling, and actually, quite peachy keen if you ask me.


I would like to show something about the Legend of Sticky Beard as described by one of my favorite essentialists of human consciousness (oddly enough, non muslims think us (muslims) to be incapable of thinking outside of the box...only it is THEIR box they find us incapable of thinking outside of heh) but it is hard to find. A little bit of Joe though, goes a very long way even through the thoughtful consideration of a benefactor of such grossly underrated cultural mechanisms like Star Wars that inherently become as tangled in the beard (as anything else) of the five pointed sensorial monster who sports a beard as sticky and repulsive as anything any culture can imagine for itself as objectionable (like islam). Hmm. These cultural mechanisms although designed as commentary from above end up being matters for ethical regression themselves back into the myths that power um...most things non muslim like. Islam is truly different in that respect but most people do not know it. Luke relates one of the essential fallacies of all systems outside of Islam and that is this "underestimation" of the power of the dark side. It promotes a universal human beard trap in which "evil" is actually in competition with good when in fact, it (evil, the devil, etc) was created by the Creator of all things (Allah created the Shaitan and in no way is subject to any of the things most often associated "with" Allah/God regardless of the intention of the human mastermind behind such processes who knows the problem of it but still cannot extract the creative intellect from it long enough to overcome entrapment in the finer details). And then you get the cartoon generation specialists who promote sticky beard to very young children and teenagers who gobble up the gobbletygook of WarCraft and fight simulated battles with this hoary headed and sticky Luke Skywalker accomplice (read: money generators) and no one notices?

Ah, we do.

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