
Iran Gets Approval to remove Israeli land mines from South Lebanon

South Lebanon no longer hides the fact that it is part of the Iranian Empire. It's simply amazing to me to live in a time when one empire is falling and another is rising. Not many people in history get to do that because empires tend to last for at least a thousand years if not more. Sometimes, old empires return as is the case with the Persian Empire albeit with a few changes. This time around, it's a Shia Muslim Empire. In the book below "The Devil We Know", I couldn't help but notice the curiosity and intellectual courage of the author who in no way is to be considered "pro Islam", who states quite aptly that the new Iranian Empire appears to have an attitude of frank "manifest destiny". I have to chuckle a bit when non believers notice something and still assume that even though the proof is right there and out in the open, there must be some catch, some missing piece or even, a case of Messianic Mistaken Identity going on in the minds of the leaders of Iran proper. He got it right even if he cannot possibly accept it for himself. Iran possesses true manifest destiny and we Shia know that. The nation of Shia who really don't have as much allegiance to "countries" as they do to a philosophy and a select group of people (the Twelve Imams).

While in South Lebanon and with this profound book in the forefront of my thoughts, I visited a park that was built by Iran in a little town just above Bint Jubail which is known as Maroon. I searched on the internet to see if I could find a news story about this amazing little park but could find nothing....so I have to write my own.

Bint Jubail is a moderately large city by Southern Lebanese standards where most villages are relatively small and dispersed throughout the area with less than one or two kilometers between towns. Bint Jubail used to be the center of trade for South Lebanon until it was occupied by Israel for way longer than I care to remember. During the 2006 Israeli invasion of sovereign and then liberated South Lebanon, Bint Jubail became a key factor in the defeat of the world's fourth largest military power by a small group of civilian resistance fighters. It was as Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah promised it would be, the Israeli Graveyard. The defeat of Israel in Bint Jubail is and will be considered by future historians as the turning point in the destiny of many nations throughout the world if not all of them.

Maroon is a tiny village that sits above Bint Jubail in the valley below and to the southeast, a northern Israeli town. It is not only beautiful but incredibly strategic in the military sense of the word. This is where Iran has constructed a modern, solar powered picnic ground that truly is the finest park I've ever seen. On weekends it is nearly impossible to get a spot (no fees are charged) unless you show up at the crack of dawn.

The Iranian flag flies and is clearly visible to those in Israel who spend their days most likely in a state of incredulous angst at what is happening to a strip of land they thought they could steal and occupy as they did to the whole of Palestine. I've little doubt they know or at least suspect that the end of the story is quite near. I also feel a sense of sympathy for them because if I had been a party to the war crimes of Israel, I guess I'd be more than a bit fretful.

Ironically however, I don't think they ought to be so afraid. It isn't going to end the way they think and I am certain no one is going to be exterminated or driven into the sea. Not at all.

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