
"Once in a blue moon" = every 19 years. And whaddya know, that crazy number 19 appears again and is associated with celestial events i.e. objective/empirical world events. Nineteen of course, is the common denominator number in the Quran. How amazing. We already know that the metonic cycle is 19 years plus/minus a smidge...but this is a new one for me i.e. that it has coordinates besides those that can be seen through a telescope.

Allahu ahkbar, Allah is Great.

"A full moon occurs every 29.5 days, and most years have 12. On average, an extra full moon in a month — a blue moon — occurs every 2.5 years. The last time there was a lunar double take was in May 2007. New Year's Eve blue moons are rarer, occurring every 19 years. The last time was in 1990; the next one won't come again until 2028"


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