
I found this poem particularly pleasing, astute. Just enough misery in there coupled with a touch of hope and caution, reality and soul. It is written by J. Allyn Rosser a teacher at Ohio University.


From the poem, Coming Your Way

"And now this woman whose good intentions
have soured through bad alloys
of companionship, diet, occupation—"

Well said.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The cloaked actor siphoned my soul in sand grain increments

The mono virgin pulse refracts the gonzo honesty of
the stereo master.

On chewing gum pavements Kneecap-begging beneath cupid for the bio-password - 'the flesh permit'.

Cliched lights humming cliched stories in the cliched moon hours.

The marathon atoms hurling towards the symbol

From kite perspectives they landscape sex-futures, the gust released her.

- Anonymous poet.