
Review in Golden Handcuffs

Under the Dome, Walks with Paul Celan

And further into #12 we run across some silly poetry by Robin Blaser....language is love being one of the silliest poems I've ever seen.....while reading Buk of late, Slouching Towards Nirvana...wondering why in the hell is this meaningful...other than the fact that he notes how impertinent it is to guess about such things and by the end of that magnificent tome, he reveals the dangers of living dangerously and not dying soon enough i.e. prior to the perfunctory embarrassment of poets who have outlasted their shelf life and then some...there is this wonderful response to a libretto written by Blaser. The response no doubt is better than the libretto:


the challenge of Robin Blaser’s libretto
by Patrick Wright

This matter concerns me deeply as it does Black Moses who lent to me his copy of Fear and Trembling written of course by Soren Kierkegaard (and whenever I read such things I remember Joseph Campbell's advice to seek one's bliss through the company of stranger's and their books.....which I intersperse with a Regency Romance just for kicks and to make other people wonder what is going on to do such a thing!). What gets me is the notion that throughout all of these notable articles on such theological cul de sacs, not any or many or even one mentions the missing pieces. No wonder they end up sad, frustrated and writing more of the same...about each other, through each other, over each other.

"This need to go on is of ancient standing." -Kierkegaard

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