
Laura Elrick's STALK with Kai Beverly-Whittemore and Kristim Prevallet and Kythe Heller Using actual detainee logs from the Secret Orcon Interrogation Log here:


"Interrogators began “bad muslim” theme. Ran “circumstantial evidence” theme."

"Detainee was taken to bathroom and walked 10 minutes. Detainee offered water
– refused. Interrogators covered the resistance techniques he had used and asked him to perform the “crazy Mohammed” facial expressions again. Detainee began to cry. Interrogators recounted the “emotional Mohammed” from earlier in the session and the detainee became stoic again."

"Detainee began to cry during pride and ego down. Detainee was reminded that no one loved, cared or remembered him. He was reminded that he was less than
human and that animals had more freedom and love than he does. He was taken
outside to see a family of banana rats. The banana rats were moving around
freely, playing, eating, showing concern for one another. Detainee was compared
to the family of banana rats and reinforced that they had more love, freedom, and concern than he had. Detainee began to cry during this comparison."

"Head break and 10 minute exercise. Interrogator allowed detainee to choose a
topic to talk about. Detainee wanted to talk about dinosaurs. Interrogator gave
history of dinosaurs and talked about the meteor that wiped them out, and equated
this event with nuclear war. Detainee expresses great ignorance about dinosaurs
and space, topics that are taught in U.S. grade schools. Detainee asked
interrogator if the sun revolved around the earth."

...and that my friends is incredibly sad and should make every American citizen bury themselves in mud for eternity.

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