
Chaos and Crimea

Few of us know how the camel comes,
the way swords turn against and between
petty mechanizations, these drought
worries near such failed contempts.
Who are they to carry it away
in their cameras cinched with voices
then, caramelized in satin sugar,
worn out with stains, full fledged
saturated licenses whose paid in full
protections promise to refresh
the nation's graveyard, to empty
all the eyes of salt water
and keep Firon's gardens moist
though the weeds and flowers
have long been useless, without root
in sandy wounds and vases.
I hardly have time to weep
here anymore, the new problems
take advantage of old misery,
the television's stealth advisories
keep winning, this fugitive heart
is weaker than envy.

*I have to say...when you watch police running people over in the street on purpose, you think of old women running away with refridgerators on their backs. Surreal.

My significant other lived in W. Africa in a place called Liberia...not known for its stability either or ever. He saw that exact thing happen and it has become our code word for chaos......I'll talk to him about whatever is going on over on his side of the planet and ask, "Did you see anyone running away with a refrigerator on their back?" We wonder together how people manage to develop such power over others and then when these people are liberated they get the power to literally plunder grand pianos and large kitchen appliances. In a sense it is a type of spoils of war and oppression is a type of war zone in which sooner or later the despot will be overcome. Looting then is not unexpected or even bad...but this thing I saw yesterday i.e. a police vehicle running over people in a crowd is something else.

Well, it ain't over until the fat lady sings and in this case, hauls out a new LG side-by-side on her back.

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