
Anti Zionist Jews who accuse Israeli Zionists of Nazi Collaboration:


You know, what is surprising to me as an American, is the fact that Americans have accused Bush of being a Nazi, a fascist among other things. Americans have accused Clinton of murder, collaboration, sexual misconduct, etc. The TV is just chock full of "Anti American" sentiment. That the press is no longer an unbiased press (CNN for democrats/FOX for Republicans). You know, in police states, the control of the press by the state is of paramount importance and it is no different in the "so called" bi-partisan pissing match the US government not only supervises but allows to exist as a "free press". It is no longer a free press. In fact, the press controls the government and it is clearly evident in Kerry's HONEST appraisal of the young men who fight and die in Iraq on a daily basis...mostly under the age of 21 years old. Kerry wasn't misrepresenting anything. He was telling the truth but the press intervened and placed a gag order on him. Is the US government answerable to the press? I most definitely think so. Absolutely. It is worse than the methodology of police states who control their presses. It is a higher level of abuse and uses "Freedom of Speech" in a most exploitative way. To suprress information that would actually lead to change not only in the ME, but in the United States of America...which is rapidly becoming one of the most oppressed countries on the planet. Oppressed not only by the government, but by individuals themselves. Like our friends at the JD who have taken it upon themselves to police my politics, my poetry and my involvement online at the Daily Kos. America is a very sick old man indeed.

But to this day, a person is censored for declaring Zionism an evil ideology born in the minds of two men who were documented racists. Who were complicit in diverting attacks that would have eliminated places like Auschwitz. And who garnered a deal to sell German goods as "Made in Palestine" during the Jewish boycotts of German goods in the first half of the 20th century.

To this day, Zionism is a "no man's land" involving censorship, baiting and targeting of anyone who is brave enough to speak the word out loud and accuse those who support Zionism of sponsoring ethnic cleansing and terrorism of the worst sort: STATE terrorism.

Thank God not all the Good Jews are dead. There are many who are crying out for justice for the Palestinian people and muslims worldwide. Most of them live outside Israel and many of them are horrified to be linked to the war crimes of Israel.

No one though seems to be listening to them and the press never covers much about them. It is no wonder that they operate in obscurity. The press is much more involved in Building the Government that allows the press to continually manipulate news events and hence, world history as a documentation of actual crimes against humanity and against entire countries.

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