

Join Tim Smith and I for a debate party at the Daily Kos.

Thanks Tim! I couldn't have done it, "without" your help.


Carmenisacat said...

Tsunami of Love

To write politically one must first be sane
Not stuck with the Loonies in the Pizzle Drizzle rain.
One must think "Why it all exists also for thee!"
And not think "thee" always means "Me! Me! Me!
One can't be stunningly bollixed and barmily bonkers
Parading about with Eichmann and those Nazi honkers
Crying "All the good Jews were killed in the Holocaust."
No, to do that one must be Lost! Lost! Lost!
And to not see that! Well, alas, one must be very sick.
Get help! Get help! Tick. Tick. Tick.

And some say, Joe, SOBER. Cheer up. It isn't like it is your career choice. You are a poet, remember and you have no desire to "change the world" and do not believe in changing it.

So...a toast to your splendourous outbursts of political vitriol which cannot be distinguised from your usual rants against other poets who do not like you after they realize what kind of inferiority complex means to someone of your intellectual caliber.

Not to mention your fine friend who doesn't seem to own his own dictionary.

Carmenisacat said...
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Carmenisacat said...

And I can only imagine the types of abuse Joe wreaks on those who actually live with him in a physical sense.

My sympathies go out to them.

Carmenisacat said...

And don't worry, Islam can do without you both.

We have enough nutcases as it is.

Good luck to both of you in your continuous endeavors to harrass those whom you are obsessed with.

Carmenisacat said...

Oh, and apparently, I will have to renotiate my contract at Daily Kos.

Tim apparently exercises censorship not only at the JD but other places as well.

Sad case you are Tim. Very.

Hope you die rich.

Carmenisacat said...

I must admit, this heated argument over the pro Israeli BS that got hawked out of Smith's mouth like so much stagnant mucous at the Daily Kos was very angry. It is worth noting that just prior to our bitter split, I recognized that Smith was more interested in censorship than fact and so...as expected, I cut off my ties because....I knew from the beginning neither of these two would ever in a million years understand the origin of the thousands year old contention for the crown i.e. Divine appointment to the head of religious knowledge. There's a reason only some folks understand it...that is exactly what makes it both rare and divine. Not common nor commonly accessible by any old Tim, Dick or Joe. It was hilarious though to hear the assholes declare, "Look! A war all about her!" when in fact, the war started with me in the center of it. Wonder what they would have thought of my time in the Adlieh jail hahaha. Some folks have all the luck...others just write limericks and chatter.