
Athiests, the OPEN enemies
of Islam and Muslims

I was talking to a muslim fellow this past week (what I do in my spare time nowdays as opposed to talking to drunk old poets) and he was having a problem defending a nice young man who has taken Islam for himself without the supervision or permission of his parents, AGAINST a known athiest from Denmark. Some of these folks like to go to Islamic message boards and tempt muslims away from their religion by posing various questions (good ones) about pedophilia, homosexuality, polygamy, women's rights, etc. It is incumbent on all muslims to discuss these things and through that kind of discussion with the "open enemies of Islam" some muslims arrive at even stronger faith. It is noted in the Quran that "they" i.e. all other types of people who are loyal to any doctrine from Christianity to Marxism to Athiesm....will not be happy until "they" convert a muslim to "their" belief system i.e. religion. In the case of this young man who required protection from a much more experienced debate partner, the muslim fellow I am referencing ended up defending the athiest's right to harrass this young man who is not on certain grounds of faith yet. Many young people experience a documented phase of moral development in their mid to late teens (15 -18 yrs old). This is known by all secular childhood development theorists and in Islam is considered a phase of "negotiable" faith patterns. By the time a person reaches the age of forty, a person is expected to have generated a solid faith and in some cases (like my own) a state of "certitude" is reached. It is the most desirable level of faith in Islam and is unassailable.

This fellow thought my protectionism of the young man's thoughts as being outdated and he asked me, "Are you one of those muslims that believes that athiests are the open enemies to Islam?"

Oh yes. For sure. Absolutely. They are not only open enemies but they are HONEST OPPONENTS.

The problem with those types of readings and rationales in Islamic thinking and this new trend called "Fundamentalism" (whereas, ALL muslims are fundamentalists in terms of literally accepting the Quran as the "Word of Allah" i.e. kallam)..the problem with that rationale is that less experienced muslims and those who have not achieved what is called CERTITUDE, do not read the statement in terms of its reciprocal truth.

That reciprocal truth is that muslims need to fear the HIDDEN enemies of Islam. Sometimes that hidden enemy can be within a person's own self, their own heart and their own doubts. And in many cases, the hidden enemy can come in the form of "friends" who are actually kafr i.e. unbelievers and pretend to "like" Islam partially or fully. Like the old goat who produced the video below did for over three years. Now we can see he is obsessed with certain things and insane.

Well, I am sure glad I found a few of my hidden enemies before it was too late.

Al'ham'du'lillah. Allahu Ahkbar!

James Wolcott, Vanity Fair:



Carmenisacat said...

To my "hidden enemies" that aren't so hidden anymore.

Please note that your site, your work, your name has not been mentioned in two months.

That is because I choose to ignore you.

That some of you feel the need to send me covert messages is apparently a ploy to gain attention for your lackluster efforts elsewhere on blogs and ezboard "non sites".

Be it known that you are a scourge here.

Don't bother coming back. You aren't welcome here.

Carmenisacat said...

Joe Green. The miniscule opponent who scares the B-Jesus out of me.

Get help Joe. Get it before you descend for real into Gogol's awful conundrums.

If you like, I can search for a psychiatrist in the St. Paul area.

I'd be more than happy to send you information about that!

I consider it an act of charity.