
I will drop that dime if I am alerted to one more instance of harrassment. I am removing this post and saving it to my file "just in case" I need to use it again.


Carmenisacat said...

I will also provide them with other information that may be useful.

I am done with you ALL. You are a very sick group of people.

My sincerest condolences to those that are still under Joes' "sick spell". I thank the Creator that I am no longer in that category.

Life is great. Lots of people love me and I am buying a house.
I have a great dog and the community in which I live supports an active pro Palestinian contingent.

I am leading an Islamic discussion group and teaching people that which no one else around here can teach.

I'd say that is a great improvement over the days in which I turned to useless individuals like Joe Green and Tim Smith for support and sympathy to our cause.

My cause is to out the brutalities of the Zionists and support MY COUNTRY, the United States of America.

It isn't my responsibility to help Joe with his sick soul or his drinking problem anymore. That is Connie's business and I hope she takes heed for her own sake. For that matter, if she fails to see this sick endeavor as sick then she isn't a very good mother.

I would NEVER allow my husband to abuse other people's children in the manner Joe Green has abused mine.

End of story.

Don't cross my line again. Stay in your sick little forum and try to write some poems or something.

Carmenisacat said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Carmenisacat said...

As for Joe Green and Tim Smith, they are put on notice.

I have collected the several anonymous emails forcing me to pay attention to Joe's sick adventure and am prepared to send them to the ezboard administrators so that they can investigate the origin of any and all posts, comments and letters I have received over the past six months.

If Joe isn't responsible for this sick ploy then I suggest he find out who is.

His violation of copyrights to my daughter's "voice" is noted and I will inform the ezboard and You Tube administrators to take action in this sick individual's case.

Get a life Joe Green.

Carmenisacat said...

And, if you will please note, I have found it necessary to move my work elsewhere due to this insane person's actions.

Please also note that no posts or comments pertain to ANYONE at the sick JD board.

This will also be submitted.

Carmenisacat said...

I can scarcely imagine the void of this person's life that forces him to go to such extremes to harrass another person who doesn't care about him. Go to hell or don't go to hell. Live or die. I just really don't care. I know that is a harsh thing to have to accept from someone like me but you Joe Green need to develop some other interests in the "real" world. You have way too much time on your hands and apparently you have not learned that "bad attention" is not the same as 'good attention".


I seriously advise you to seek professional help. This trend of yours has gone far beyond a trend or a passing fancy. Harrassment has become your "lifestyle". It is no wonder that you find yourself unable to write poems anymore. At least you have a few "oldies" to rely on. Most don't have that.

But please, do get help. You have anger management issues and other serious issues. Truly. Do that.

Carmenisacat said...

YouTube is not for pornography or sexually explicit content. If this describes your video, even if it's a video of yourself, don't post it on YouTube. Also, be advised that we work closely with law enforcement and we report child exploitation. Please read our Safety Tips and stay safe on YouTube.
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YouTube is not a shock site. Don't post gross-out videos of accidents, dead bodies and stuff like that. This includes war footage if it's intended to shock or disgust.
Respect copyright. Only upload videos that you made or that you have obtained the rights to use. This means don't upload videos you didn't make, or use content in your videos that someone else owns the copyright to, such as music tracks, snippets of copyrighted programs, or videos made by other users, without their permission. Read our Copyright Tips for more information.
We encourage free speech and defend everyone's right to express unpopular points of view. But we don't permit hate speech which contains slurs or the malicious use of stereotypes intended to attack or demean a particular gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, or nationality.
There is zero tolerance for predatory behavior, stalking, threats, harassment, invading privacy, or the revealing of other members' personal information. Anyone caught doing these things may be permanently banned from YouTube.

You Tube administration contacted.

Carmenisacat said...

I find it truly amazing that abusers like Joe Green think that they have to say, "Yes, I am guilty," prior to it being a TRUTH about themselves.

The idea of an abuser admitting to being an abuser is simply icing on the cake to me. I do however enjoy the cake just as much without that icing as with it.

Too bad for him and too bad for those he manipulates if you ask me.
They don't even get the cake.

Carmenisacat said...

One of the reasons I started ignoring their crap is because I realized that without me to pick on, they have nothing to write about.

They have to make up some seriously ridiculous topics and even then, they are exhibiting their time tested pattern. I notice that the same method is being used now as it was used on me to convince me of all sorts of ridiculous notions about he "quality" of work at their idiotic board.

What amazed me is that I was so isolated that I actually believed I was part of some great literary tradition. What I discovered is that most people on the cyberhiway take one look there and say:

arrogant buffoons

and then they walk away and never return.

How was I to know?

The good thing is that they must remain silent on so much political horseshit. They can't say anything anymore hahaha about anything really.

Confused people really. Typical Americans who are trapped in their very own stereotypes of outsiderness.

Nothing outside about those two. They look just like every other failure I've ever seen.