
Rabbi denounces Zionist Israel as the root of all modern political catastrophe.

Well yes and no. The root cause is disbelief in the Creator and that has led to phenonenally bad societal norms all over, not just in Israel.

People simply cannot judge right from wrong anymore and need a little help. That much, to a believer, is obvious.

Fact of the matter is....Israel i.e. the "Jews" (which is truly a misrepresentation of the facts) doesn't control these outcomes. Allah does.

It's a matter of perspective.


Anonymous said...

Allah schmallah. The problem with human kind is that it insists on creating a Creator that it can then blame for all its own mistakes, or beg not to let them happen.

God doesn't care about what you do. He cares that you care. So stop hating and start caring.

Carmenisacat said...

Um...okay. Thanks for your..er...comment.

Don't let the screen door hit your arse on the way out.