
The Caylee Reason

"I praise Thee, Father
Lord of the heaven and earth
that Thou didst hide these things
from the wise and prudent,
and didst reveal them to the little ones."
-Matthew xi: 25

Man was created


This lip, that tooth
the swelling
in vestibule, in cognito
eye socket, stapes

No intervention

Cone-shaped Time
in her mix-matched
funnel-like diagram:

anomoly, pear shaped
clot with buds
and beats.

Outrageous disclosures
in a vacuum, the statement
found in the shoe.

)-------cell wall

Man was created


Beside the flat
where the Moon runs
in her orbit

our planet folds
like batter
into cyclones and flurry.

Shaken and pegged
the sea not enough
nor the sky up to its limit.

Man was created


To look, to find.
And no where to hide
when the death angel
comes around, when the guardians
of the hell fire throw souls in,
when stashing the body
of a baby in the swamps,

"do what you like"
said the Imam
to the questioner
who hoped for a little admonition,
"do what you like
and tell the angel of death
to go away and tell the guardians
of hell to go away
and "do what you like"

women in frigidaires and the
several feet that keep
washing up on the shores
of Biscayne Bay and that
girl in a trunk, her dress,

what was left of her
floating in the Gulf of Mexico
and this just in:
"Where she used to bury her pets."

"Silent Night" by Simon and Garfunkel.

The meter reader tries to claim
the reward. He actually wants
the money for revelation.

A canonization of personal effects.

Some of us knew the bones were right
where the Lord had left them.
We know where all the run-aways are.

St Therese of Lisieux and the little way
patroness of the tubercular.
No one really knows why.

"The victim was found sitting upright in a patent leather chair, traces of cocaine on the desk, and suffering from what police only describe as a Cuban Necktie. "

The Vince Foster palate syndrome
is all over town.

Man was created


To gawk and gasp
over her bones
and articles, the things
in her lungs and stomach:
applesauce and onions.

How could she!
How could he!

Try to bury
the napthas of her soul
like that.

Man was only created


I have to make a note here on something fantastic I saw yesterday on the tellie. The White House press secretary showed up with a black eye (you mean to tell me Revlon can't hide that?)...obviously she must have ended up in a tussle after Bush almost took a hit with a loafer. And while I'm on the topic of press secretaries I must comment that since Ari Fleischer left the post, there hasn't actually been one. This one yesterday had the audacity to say, "We don't throw shoes at anyone." Like..."over here" in the civilized world where we just use unmanned drones to break up muslim weddings.

My God.

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