
Destroying the Past


"The world’s oldest civilization is being destroyed before our eyes---its cities laid to waste, its people slaughtered by the tens of thousands. Saddam never could have dreamed of devastation on this scale. We’ve ruined everything. Truckloads of dead men are delivered to the Baghdad morgue every morning where they are processed and then dumped in mass graves in abandoned soccer fields or schoolyards. 20% of the population has either been internally displaced or forced to flee into Jordan and Syria. In Falluja alone, 65% of the buildings have been destroyed and tens of thousands of its citizens are left living in tent cities scattered across the desert--exposed to the elements, living on crusts of bread and foul water. The number of refugees has risen rapidly; 2 million in Amman, Damascus and Cairo. They go wherever they can to avoid the bombing and find safety or shelter."

"We are starving and brutalizing children while we extol the "America’s fallen" as if one life is more valuable than another. What sort of sick joke is this? This is nothing more than cultural narcissism served up by pseudo-patriots in the political establishment who are drunk on death and power. They worship violence like a god and they are pushing us all towards Armageddon."

"The same sinister forces which are inciting the sectarian violence are trying to remove all sense of kinship, brotherhood, nationalism and spirituality. Their objective is to "wipe the slate clean" and rebuild the entire society according to their neoliberal model."

If that is not genocide; then what is?

Hmm. I'd say yes, that is what genocide is and congratulations to all Americans. You are now the new Nazi Germany in the eyes of everyone else and even yourselves. It is a damn shame.
The up side of that is that you are not in your distress all alone. You have your long and much touted friends, the Israelis.

Afterall, haven't you told us over and over and over again how they are your friends?

They sure are and now the two of you are pretty much, the sum total of human evil for the future as far as the eye can see.

Never know though...maybe a few Americans will change the way things go. Maybe all those guys you sent over there will begin to revert to Islam and slam dunk your evil empire without the help of a single Arab person. You see, one of the "blowbacks" of war is that you get this incredible influx of things you didn't count on...like leprosy, like DU diseases, like amputees and like: New Muslims. Some of those guys no doubt understand what they've been through. And some of them are going to come calling on you and so will their children and their children's children.

Good luck with it.

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