
A Post From June 2006 as I haven't felt like reading much of other people's poetry lately. I guess you can say the world is a bit depressing right now especially when you are in the thick of it "over here" and you hoped for something to improve...knowing full well that not only was it not going to improve but it was going to continue to deteriorate. Al Q (or some other entity) has just exploded an "IED" near Haris in a place called Khiam. Khiam you will remember is the town that was completely destroyed last year by Israeli war crimes and the historical landmark known as "Khiam Prison" where arabs were tortured by other Arabs (the Christian Lebanese) and paid to do so by Israel itself. Men had their penises electrocuted and many were kept in a wooden box the size of a 60 inch cardboard box that is made to house a TV for shipment. I'll be heading down there today but each time we go it gets a bit more serious. IEDs aren't a pleasant book to read for summer if you know what I mean.

Today In The Real Third World

The city on fire
was traffically jammed,
cross circuits of humbled wires
over the intersections of
'used to be a war here'
'used to be a war here'.
Struggling their beefy little hearts
out to go on home to their steamy kitchens,
their lousy children and fat wives.
No one any more decent for the excuse
of it all including the rickety
rattan furniture on the balcons
to the beautiful sea on the right
or the left or the center.
Somewhere out there a prostitute wailed
and somewhere else a man spit into a urinal
and still somewhere else out there
was I. In the middle of it all,
chest nearly bleeding from contaminations
fresh from the instructor who hates funerals
(his wife dying in Britain now).
We all hate funerals and burying.
Everyone hates to be in a scene.
Cops are cartoons and stand there
waving this way and that way
so it looks like there are some.
They even wear white gloves!
Life is an illusion, can't you see it?
The real authorities are spies and run
around all day chasing the generalissimos
who aren't all that real either.
The army is a lot younger and unhappier now
in the beds of their jiggling trucks.
I love their smiles. So young. So fresh.
So out there it hurts. So very, very real.

*Of course, Life is an illusion, can't you see it? is from the Quran. I wrote that poem in response to one I read that was just plain awful (somewhere else). Now, it is okay to write poems that aren't that great technically speaking. A poet has to start somewhere you know. What was awful about the poem that I read were two things: the poem itself and one of the critics of the poem. The poem was just chock full of gratuitous and graphic violence. Now, violence is okay but I really hate a poem to get so violent with me it makes me sleepy and fatiqued which I am now, very. Sensationalism in poems however is just awful, especially when it involves so much killing and bloodying up of the set props. Messy. A poem can be violent you see without all the trouble of having to clean up once you've read it. A poem I believe should entertain the reader and entertain them in many ways. The reader ought to leave the poem feeling refreshed or illuminated (to his/her own self because lets face it, there are no new thoughts really under the sun rather, there is just better merchandising). Now, the critic said something truly awful. He said the poem was "Just great!" but that the poet shouldn't be surprised if no one "got it" and I guess I am going to assume that means they are going to say "this poem is awful". Now...as a critic...I would never make excuses for someone else's poem being horrific and lacking in all the things that make good poems good and full of all the things that make bad poems bad (which is usually a general lack of technique).

So I said...here...I'll write you a violent poem in a few minutes and you won't have to clean up after you read it. It might even make you sad enough that it makes you happy because you feel humanly related to it. I think that is the key to good poetry. Relating to another human something very human. Gore isn't human. Gore is taboo. It is just that the TV has made it a staple of the diet and everyone is so amazed at how much blood it takes to make a scene look bloody. I think mine is quite bloody without ever mentioning a shark, a knife, a gun or sheesh, a murderer or the murdered.


Anonymous said...

Salamun alaykum akhta,
uhhh, it took me awhile to find the way inhere. Look can we start over our relationship. I met you on wfys blog and now that I have read through your own blog I am a bit at loss about your persona. :)) Anyway I like your blog and it seems to me that you are much more "at home":)) here than there. I wonder why did you start so forcefully there?! Aquarius is surely not to blame but perhaps the year of OX..:))
Aquarius is into poetry and OX is forceful and stubborn. Hmmm...interesting combination. No wonder your destiny took you to such contrasting place of living like ME. So much "beauty and the beast" in that theater. I still think that you are a nice person in spite of the inevitable armor that we all build around our fragile hearts when the world is quite cruel and inhospitable to our gentle aspirations. Don't worry "Verily after every hardship there comes ease." you know that verse. I often feel same as you when I am forced to witness unreasonable cruelty that people inflict on each other. I am one of those Pisces forever longing for universal love and harmony downtrodden by this horrible age of wars. Whatever I said was with intent to help you and protect you from further emotional harm that was inevitable to follow. I feel heartbroken when I see Muslims fight each other but sometimes we need to shout on each other to wake up from the never ending nightmare that we all find ourself in from time to time. I hope you understand what I am babbling about. They know what Islam is all about but you have to admit that not everyone is attracted to Islam as we may be. I think you are wasting your time with those guys in debating something they already know but refuse to accept. I know time is depressing but I see you more useful to Islam in writing poems with thought provoking content by which you can convey your messages to those who might be interested.
Your Sunni brother (Traveller)

Fii emanillah

Carmenisacat said...

Alaiku wa salaam

Wow well thanks for taking the time to come all the way over to the blog...was the journey difficult? Hahaha.

I'm joking of course. I'm not only nice Traveller, I'm funny. Sometimes anyway.

It's okay...I am over it and I suppose she is as well. She just isn't a really nice person and no matter what I say or said, she is a person looking to fight. And this is usually a female thing...women are pretty awful and it takes one to know one. Not all women of course but some are just truly jealous people. I think "Americans" don't spend enough energy trying to recognize the damage jealousy actually does to their attitudes and just their ability to read a few lines without taking it personally and hey...maybe even discussing the issue.

But I truly appreciate your visit. It was pretty much a shock to me to be accused of being a spy for the Mossad. Now I've been accused of a LOT of things in my life but that isn't one of them hahaha. Just the opposite.

Accused of:

Sending people to Hell whom I never mentioned the word to (I only ever mentioned this word to one person and boy did they ever set me ablaze)
Self promotion of my work
"An American woman living AS a muslim in Lebanon" - Ron Silliman (I guess that is as close I've ever been to being accused of impersonating something).

But anyways...I've very strong opinions and you are absolutely right in what you say...you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. Hahaha but what if I am the horse? Oh dear.

You just can't force me to drink and what NO one has ever been able to do is convince me that something I might say might actually help another person to turn their life around...especially when it comes to drug/alcohol addiction.

And I didn't plan on leaving my blog at just a few inflammatory entries but I hoped to share some other things as well like the short stories...just to take a bit of the heat off of people who seemingly have so much anger inside.

Now I've been ANGRY. At Israel...I spent over six months just trying to breath again but you know what? It can be overcome. I know it.

Ali abi Taleb (pbuh) often said (like, all the time):

Don't be angry.

And I'm not. And it is clear to me that you aren't either so that is wonderful.

Al'ham du'lillah

(And I'm a scorpio but to be honest I TOTALLY don't believe in astrology so I just hit whatever birthdate on the blogger profile info section and it turned out that day to be an ox.)

I'm sure though if I believed in astrology I'd be one of the worst scorpios ever born. :)

With red hair to boot. Go figure.

Carmenisacat said...

Oh and I visited your blog...wonderful header..it really puts that aya into a new context if you know what I mean. When you move your mouse it starts all over again and then you HAVE to read it and realize how profound it is.

Great work. I hope to visit you more often although from here in the south of the country I can't always get graphics/videos to work as we are on satellite hookups and they tend to be a lot slower than digital. When in the US though I hope to really enjoy more of what you have especially the science parts..I'm far more into that than anything else to be honest but the WUFYS site doesn't look to me to be about that kind of thing.

I went there really because I admired some of the articles coming out of there (linked by whatreallyhappened.com which I've been visiting for more years than I care to confess). To be honest however once there I have found that the anti semitic stuff is just really bad. There seems to be a problem with people understanding freedom of speech and just plain simply decorum and ethics. Yes..I've said some things about Israel and Jews but those things are my personal experience and not just things I've heard or read about somewhere. I've lived them and feel I have just a smidge of a right to being a bit awful towards people who either support Israel openly or via their silence regarding Zionism. Other Jews though I have no beef with and have known quite a few that didn't make me groan and in fact, made me laugh. In fact, I used to work pretty closely with a Jewish poet revising his work and my own but that just fell to pieces last year when a sequence of events exposed alot of things about people I thought I knew pretty well and who I imagined knew me...and knew that I am a muslim before I am anything else including: wife, mother, poet, photographer, nurse, etc.

Got to be a good muslim before being anything else it seems and that includes being a friend.
