
Now. I like to believe I am a pretty good reader. I read this interesting article:


The article says:

Staff at the consulate said that they decided a photoshoot would be a good way of promoting Israel to young Americans.

(It should read: ..a good way of using sex to distract young men from the truth.)

David Dorfman, an adviser at the consulate in New York, told the Associated Press: "Males that age have no feeling towards Israel one way or another, and we view that as a problem, so we came up with an idea that would be appealing to them."

(Should read: Most young people in America are pretty stupid but have increasingly hostile views towards Israel....so we came up with the idea of giving them a boner so that they would associate Israel with sexual fulfillment.)

Israel is keen to sell itself as a western country with beaches and nightclubs rather than a country full of religious zealots which has been in a permanent state of emergency since its creation.

(Should read: Israel hates the fact that people know they are a criminal and rogue state hell bent on both the extermination and/or transfer of indigenous people from whom they stole an important piece of property and therefore Israel is becoming desperate enough to use female soldiers in ways that humiliate them. Israel has been in a permanent state of denial regarding its war crimes ever since it started committing them in 1947 and hence, are perpetually waiting for the victims of their criminal activity to demand justice in any way possible.)

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