
Upright in the Jungle

Ahae! My heart is heavy with the things that I do not understand. - Kipling

Qul: Koonoo h'ijaaratan aw h'adeedaa! -Is'raa, The Glorious Quran

We took a token of ourself
from the area and began
the toil of the intrepid -
the nonsense in the eyes
of the skeletal coupled
with the beautiful
problems of the living
which seldom turn around.

cri cri go the special papers
cri cri go the flames

Our babies. We teach
our babies about
this bone box
where we find
only more flames and papers.

The names we learned
were good enough
when our name
was just Adam, only Eve
in the goodly shade
of no goodbye or goodnight
where the soil was full
of seed and the intense
thrill of whispers
from the crawler

to the walkers.

It's the same old invitation:
come to me. But which one!


**I discovered an interesting thing while searching for the exact Sura. I discovered that the Yusef translation calls this Sura "The Night Journey" when in fact the Sura is known as Israel or Is'raa. What gives? Yes, the Sura is about the night journey but as some of us know, a Sura is always about way more than its title.

1 comment:

Carmenisacat said...

Note to meself: curse of the caliphates.