
The Execution of Ahmad Mohsen Al-Skafi

At about five in the afternoon of Tuesday, July 3, 2007, troops of Colonel Yehuda Fuchs assassinated Ahmad Mohsen Al-Sfaki and declared the area near their crime a military zone in to hinder the access of journalists. All this happened in Lossah, a part of Eissa, a suburb in the south-west of Hebron near Wadi Taffouh in area H1 under the Palestinian control. Ahmad had gone to a nearby supermarket to buy chocolate and some sweets for Isra’a, his younger sister of age 4. The soldiers watched Ahmad on his way to the supermarket, and when he got out they showered him with 30 bullets and a grenade, which exploded in his abdomen, blowing out his intestines. The soldiers then sent their dogs to eat part of the body.

The IDF spokesperson invented lies and spread rumors in his press release. He said that Ahmad was playing with a toy gun which looked like a real one when the IDF shot him … That he ran away when the IDF soldiers asked him to stop … That the military commander sent his apologies to Palestinian officials after the IDF troops found out that the boy was holding a toy gun and not a real one …

1 comment:

Lucretia - that will do for now said...

And you Carmen know this because ??