
The Turning Point

We have to embrace the idea that we are the leaders we are looking for. - Grace Lee Boggs

War is not the time for poetry -
that is for the evening
of old men in other lands
who ring the bells to cut
some time off their sentence.
Dare I say that?
But I am a fighter
at heart and know
a warning has to find
the warned, has to abandon
the bless-ed
for a while.

More Than Just Funny, It's Hilarious

I saw poets with pictures and pictures
of poets. I saw poets with glasses
and some with glasses. I saw
tone deaf disasters
and one or two pastors. There
were Arabs and Greeks plus
forty two freaks. Three were gay
and one was nay.
Terribly grim, grim
right to the brim
and probably slim.
One lady stood with her cat
just like that
like poets do in pictures
or people with strictures.
I thought to myself
this doesn't seem right
to talk about funny
while wanting some money.
No one pays for a good laugh
you just get those with the drinks.
Comedy clubs and comedy channels
to go in your silks or your flannels.
As for me, it made me laugh.
Poets. Now that's funny.

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